How many pullups are enough in a workout

@houstonreborn I do my pullups using cluster sets (as it stopped me from getting pain when doing pullups due to a labrum tear). They also helped bring my pullup numbers up insanely.

I tend to do singles with a 10-second pause in between each rep. Every 10-20 reps, I'll rest for a few minutes.

Throughout my mesocycle, I'd work up to over 100 pullups a week. At the end of the last mesocycle before my shoulder surgery, I managed 60 pullups a session three times a week, and honestly, there was no sign of slowing. The goal is over 100 a session... once my shoulder has recovered from surgery.
@houstonreborn I think the main difference with cluster sets is that the whole point is form. Avoiding form breakdown is number one. If your form breaks, you stop. It's amazing for ingraining good movement patterns and working around injuries, not to mention collecting up a sheit ton of volume.
@houstonreborn As much as it takes to fail ? There’s some days I bang 10sets of 20 reps , and days like todey I do weighted controlled pullups and I fail around 8 reps ( 4 working sets and 2 warmups . try to ) slow and controlled and a good 2 sec squeeze.

Ain’t no perfect way man, be consistent and gains will come.

Stay strong 💪🏽

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