How soon after the big V were you back in the gym ?


New member
Getting the ol’ snip in 2 weeks. I’ve read that you’re not supposed to lift for a number of weeks.

What did this look like for getting back on the bench ? Were you able to get back to isolation/ machine work, relatively fast ?

When could you start with lifting free weights and squats ? Pain free, and safely.
@becksblue I got the no-scalpel, no-stitch variety and I was back in the gym in about a week. The routine I was doing didn’t call for heavy squats, but I don’t recall any significant limitations.

Do the 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off with the ice religiously the first day. The more you keep the swelling down in the beginning the faster the recovery will be.
@gm0nkx I had no-scalpel no-stitch, the thing is, I cannot compare it to another vasectomy :) Also memory on this is starting to get a bit blurry.

Anyway, the way I remember it they put a bit of glue on the wound to bring the skin together (it's really a small wound overall) and that piece of glue came of within 2 hours post surgery on my way home, so I think the surface wound took a little longer to heal than under normal circumstances but everything healed beautifully and I was back to almost normal within 2 weeks.

The thing is, the surface wound isn't the only wound and its a bit misleading (marketing?) in the sense that what makes the vasectomy painful is not just the skin incision but also the cutting of the ducts, because the ducts aren't just passive tissue but they are surrounded by muscle.

So the painful thing about the vasectomy is the swelling due to bleeding around the ducts and (assumption on my part) that the muscle and its nerves are cut. The latter is unavoidable. The former gets worse if you move too much too early.

So I was also given the advice to cool religiously the first few days, so "that the swelling doesn't get as bad in the first place".

If you start with sport too early, you risk swelling.
@gm0nkx I had this same procedure and recovered extremely quickly. A few quiet days at home, and everything was back to normal. This was 10+ years ago and I can't remember anything negative. I was not lifting at the time, so I can't comment on return to gym, but I was chasing after 3 kids.
@gm0nkx I think this generally the way it's done now. Talk to your doc, it's possible this is how yours will be done as well. Basically instead of making an incision with a scalpel which requires stiches to close, they go in through a very small puncture which essentially closes up on it's own. I went home with just a band-aid, which came off the next day.

As others have said, you'll know when you feel ready to get back in there.
@becksblue Everyone recovers differently. Had a friend that was good for LIGHT exercise after two weeks. I had a hard time with inflammation and it took me about 4-6 weeks to even do light lifting (10-15 lbs).

Listen to your body and listen to your doctor. Best decision I ever made though!
@becksblue I would definitely approach this from a mindset that you are 2 weeks off workout at least and then gracefully start again with some isolated exercises first and stuff like squats / leg press last, potentially even in later weeks.

This can also be a quick discussion with your surgeon.

When this topic comes up I see a lot of people commenting how quickly they came back from the vasectomy that contradicts the advice my surgeon gave me.

I started wth moderate activity after like 10 days (swimming, walking). YMMV.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing, give your body time and resources to heal.
@becksblue Imho the first two days are really crucial. Take that sick day or pto or work from home without meetings so you can regularly lay down with an ice pack.