How to fix pain when running

I’m a beginner runner, I started about 4 weeks ago, working my way from running 2 and walking 1, to now doing 4 and 1. I am obese, I am a man and weigh 225 lbs at 5’9, I’m guessing this is part of it. I have lost 20 pounds since august so I think I’m on the right track.

When I first started running the tense muscles and slight pain went away pretty fast, but started up again once I started doin go 4 and 1. I used to go to 30 minutes and then walk for 5, now I struggle to get to 20 because of the soreness and pain in my feet.

What can I do?
@crossclinger2014 We cannot asses pain. Only a medical professional can, and only in a clinical setting. You could simply be too fat and putting stress on your joints. You might have something else going on. There's no way for us to know.