How to gain weight in 2 months


New member
I’m 21 male 6’1 height with 70 kgs but still look skinny I was develop myself and need suggestions please help me with it guys.
@randomelement Whether or not someone becomes skinny fat is down to their training, you can eat doughnuts and cupcakes and gain muscle too but the only way to gain is to eat more

But OP isn't asking about training, only about gaining weight
@theadmiral If you're already not getting optimal protein and only increase calories with donuts and cupcakes you will likely not gain additional muscle with those extra calories. But you will get fat.
@randomelement I mean, even if they weren't eating "optimal" protein they'd still gain some muscle unless they were getting zero protein at all

But again, that doesn't seem to be OP's focus so it doesn't matter
@wannia Are you actively tracking your calorie intake? If not, then you should be. Use an app like Lifesum or myfitnesspal, so you can input what you're eating each day.

Also workout what your TDEE is (calculators are online) to work out roughly how much you're burning and how much you need to eat to gain weight.
@wannia Extra protein shakes. Use macrofactor or rp diet app. Drink like 4 protein shakes a day on top of what you’re eating. You should probably use a diet app to figure out what your maintenance calories are day to day and start eating 500-800 over that. Macrofactor will figure that all out for you over a period of few weeks and make adjustments.
@wannia Eat an entire pizza every single day. Get some hormel Chilli and some fritos and go to town, every single day. That's how I gained 40lbs over my tenth grade summer
@wannia Eat more. End of story, there's no way around this.

If you think you eat a lot already, you very likely don't unless you have some undiagnosed thyroid issue.

You can head over to r/gainit if you need help. But in general, look for easy way to get extra calories in. If you're eating chicken breast, swap it out for chicken thighs or other fattier meat. Top your food with butter. Use whole fat dairy in general. Snack on nuts or dried fruit.

But make sure you're working out hard and hitting protein goals. No point in just gaining weight to get fat!
@wannia Obviously you gotta eat more, but also look into the types of food you choose to eat. Here’s 3 tips that helped me get from 65 to 90kgs over the past 3 years:

1) If you’re someone like me who has a small appetite (relative to the calories they require), try including more fat in your foods. Butter, cheese, olive oil, dark chocolate & nuts just to name a few.

2) Making sure you’re not eating ‘too much’ protein can help, since protein is highly satiating and eating too much of it can leave little space in your appetite for anything else. Start at 0.8g/lb of bodyweight and slowly work your way up.

3) If most of your diet consists of nutritious whole foods, feel free to add calorie-dense treats you like, to top it off and help you reach your goal— I like to maintain a 80:20 ratio of whole to ‘junk’.
Despite popular belief, you won’t put on excess fat just from eating junk food, as long as your surplus stays within the 2-300 range, and you train regularly. (It’s the surplus being too high that causes people to get overly fat on bulks)

Hope this helped :)