How to get motivated to work out?


New member
Hi all! I’m 22F, I have struggled with my weight since going on Depo provera at 16. I gained 4 stone from the jab, came off 3 months later and haven’t been able to shift the weight. I had a baby 2 years ago and I’ve had enough! I want to be able to chase after her without hurting, wear clothes I feel comfortable in & not be afraid to do things because I’m too fat. I’m 129kg, but I just can’t get the motivation to work out. The gym is in my building and free, but I feel ashamed🥲 any advice?
@petronela Yea. Motivation will briefly help but it'll go away eventually. You just need to be disciplined enough and make it a part of your routine.

First few months will always be the hardest since you won't notice the difference yet and will feel demotivated to go. Just need to drag yourself out and go even if you're not feeling it
@doomsayer2 Thank you! I think that’s my problem tbh, I have no discipline, but I like the idea of adding it into my routine, something I hadn’t considered doing.
@nscr Start slow. Like get up and fix your bed (who would want to lie back down after fixing it), but always think about going to the gym while doing other chores. It's a little mind trick that I do to manipulate myself into going.
@nscr idk if your brain works this way, but for me it helped to keep a tracker for my calories and workouts because i got a little dopamine boost from seeing the numbers go up and down each week lol. and you actually should be able to see a small improvement when you first start working out (“beginner’s gains” + losing water weight) — that definitely helped me keep going after i got started, even if progress slowed a bit
@nscr Honestly I find the “just go” comments to be unhelpful. I assume you want to go but are just having a mental block and initiating a new routine is difficult for you. The whole point is that you can’t get yourself to “just go”.

I also had this same problem up until recently. What changed it for me was when a coworker told the story of their extreme weight loss and their story behind it. I felt so seen and understood. A comment that they said that I won’t forget is “When I struggle I imagine myself at my goal, knowing that I will inevitably achieve it if I stay on track.” For some reason it just clicked at that moment for me.

Now if let’s say I’m craving a sugary food or drink and feel INTENSE cravings, and/or if I don’t feel motivated to work out I immediately think of the final version of me and I imagine her in my mind. I do it for her.

If you are more of a visual person and need to see it, I highly suggest making a mood/goal board with photos/aesthetic of your ultimate goal, and then hang it directly in a place that you’ll see almost immediately when you wake up. Also you could take a picture of it and keep it on your phone so you can look at it while not at home.

I hope this helps somewhat. Remember that growth is not always linear. Give yourself grace and don’t let setbacks cause you to quit. Think of the future you that has already reached your goal!
@savedbythelight Thank you! I made a mood board last night and it encouraged me this morning to get up and get to the gym! You’re completely right when you say about doing it for future you. I do it for future me and my daughter 💗
@sillyfool That is my main motivation for wanting to get fit. I meant more how do I get over the procrastination, and get the motivation to actually go?
@nscr Honestly i started with a strong diet and walking. Once a few pounds fall off then its easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the gym becomes much less intimidating
@nscr Also keep in mind 90% of gym bros were once out of shape kids who got bullied. That doesnt mean they are all nice but it does mean most of them are now. You got this