How to get motivated to work out?

@nscr Just go. Start small. I went through this a few years ago. Finally just started making myself go. Some days I just walked on a treadmill. Some days I just used the towing machine. You don't have to go all in at once. Build the habit of just showing up, if you do that and pay attention to your diet (I'm not saying go on a diet, just eat 3/4 of your meals healthy and don't over splurge on the other 1/4) you'll start to see and feel the results. Then it gets easier, you'll have your habit established and you can start adding days, adding exercises etc.

Some short term motivators might be to go get a new pair of gym or running shoes. Go get yourself a couple of new pair of workout outfits. The catch is you can only wear them to the gym.

It's a slog at first but over time you'll come to enjoy it. I started with 3 days/week. Now I'm 5 to 6. I workout early (get to the gym at 5AM). It's my favorite part of the day. Throw in some earphones and zone out to a podcast or some music.
@dawn16 I went out today and got myself some new shoes & a cute outfit and got my ass down to the gym. It spurred me on to have a really productive rest of my day, and i feel good that i did it. These comments have really helped, and im definitely going to make changes. Thank you for your helpfulness as it’s genuinely going to help me💗
@nscr Don't worry about what other people are doing everyone is busy worrying about heir own self esteem and their own protein goals and their own relationship and life issues times have changed I don't think people are still as insensitive besides people would rather applaud you for working on your health that getting worse and maybe having health complications later in life

Just take the chance girl what have you got to lose anyway except your old self 💃💅🏻 do it for you no one else matters

It takes 21 days to form a habit so maybe make that your first small goal. Go only for 21days and if you don't like it go back to your normal life!
@imerseidi Thank you! I think this is what I’m going to aim for. It’s definitely a mental thing that stops me from going, because pre covid i was in the gym every day twice a day, and lost 7 stone.

I managed to get to the gym today and it’s actually spurred the rest of my day to be super productive, and i feel fantastic. Thank you so much for your lovely words. They mean a lot x