How to improve shoulder and rotator cuff conditioning (e.g. Cuban rotations)

@dawn16 Yes. Right now I just lie that way for a while before changing positions so that I can fall asleep, but it is becoming more comfortable and I think I’ve fallen asleep a time or two like that. My infant son sleeps like this all the time, and if there is one thing I’ve learned from having small children (there are many things I’ve learned but this is one) it’s that we should be mimicking their movement patterns.

I spend most of my day with closed internally rotated shoulders (holding a baby, reaching forward to play with whatever little toys my daughter is playing with on the floor, etc), so if I can spend most of my night open and externally rotated then maybe I’ll be balanced, haha. A few nights of this has fixed a tweaked shoulder more than once recently for me lately.
@bibbigo I made a post about this a day or two ago. Could you check it out?

I just started trying to make things like this a routine, something I’m trying to address in 2019, as well as stretching regularly.

I don’t worry too much about isolated internal rotation exercises as I feel they get worked sufficiently. I’ve had a history of long he’s bicep tendonitis, so I’m finally trying to truly address it with some direct and consistent external rotator work, and high volume-slow eccentric curls.
@bibbigo Damn, I’ll paste it here.

I perform this on off days before stretching. Just one set of each. Should I perform a couple of sets of each?

Couple minutes of one of GMBs animal patterns for general warm up.

Floor Angels: 10

Scap Push Up: 10

YTWL: 10 each, rest in between

10 Scap pull

I also recently began doing:

Seated External Rotation: 20x2

Bicep Curl w/slow eccentric: 20x2
@bibbigo I do banded external and internal rotations which were prescribed by my sports medicine doctor after acute rotator cuff tendonitis. After the pain went away, I kept doing them at the end of my workout. I'm not sure if that's the best place for them, but so far so good. I just do 3 sets of 10 reps with a light band, and I'm tired enough by then that it feels hard enough.
@bibbigo Is there any resistance on exercise 1? Gravity would be pulling the plate down but you are moving it horizontally. Thus, the only force you're overcoming is inertia. But since you are moving slowly there's almost no inertia.

If you're doing to do these, I'd do them lying on my side so gravity pulls the weights down (and you are externally rotating to move the plates up.)
Is there any resistance on exercise 1?

Only at the end of ROM for external rotation when my arm is at 180 deg or past that at say 210 deg. I feel contraction and tension in the shoulder and also in the scapula and/or other back muscles. I consider this quick and easy takes less than 1 minutes to do 20 reps on each side in my warm-up.
@bibbigo That's not the best way to train rotations - I assumed when I read the post that you were doing them lying on your side. It really should be done with a band or cable so that you actually are resisting force the whole time through the ROM. Sure you're feeling a contraction but it's definitely not what it should be.
@jun_za No. I do them standing up, so the picture in the original Post shows the movement and ROM (somewhat). Both exercises (horizontal and vertical) were shown to me by someone who is a certified trainer but I agree that doesn't make that person the authority on such things. That why I've been wondering about how to improve my routine.