How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?


New member
I post this here because I feel I might receive better responses on balancing these two sports: sorry for the long post!

Over the last year, I've been drawn more and more towards running; I don't just want to add running as a form of cardio, I want to improve on it (let's say, 10km @ 43m). That takes 3-4 quality workouts per week. However, as I want to eat the cake and leave it whole, I also want to improve my physique, being stronger and with more muscle mass, and since I love strength training, dropping this training is not an option. Another factor to consider is that I'm a student, and while I'd love to train 5-7 times per week, I feel it will get in the way of my degree (sleeping enough, studying a lot, having some social life) - and that is my top priority.

I thought of 2 full body workouts per week like so: Workout A will consist of Horizontal push, H. pull, Quad compounds for 4 sets, with delt/bicep/abs work; Workout B consists of the antagonist muscles; combined with 3-4 running workouts (even lifting on the same day): even if slow and not optimal, is it possible to see decent progress?

Do some of you have any tips, or might share your experience with combining sports and your life?

Stats: 23M, 70kg. Weighted pull up: 6x20kg; weighted dips: 4x35kg; squats: 6x90kg; running: 10km @ 46:41, 2km @ 7:50

TL;DR: What are your experiences and thoughts about combining strength and running training, while also having 1-3 rest days?
@mjsmom73 Unless you are trying to be elite in both its totally doable.

Check out the user @bettie and their reddit posts. They train more for strength but you can gleam a lot of useful info from them.

I've also trained for long-distance trail runs while also training for strongman, and making progress in both (and I'm starting to geat up to that again). My training was more strength focused and much lower milage than what you want/need but I think the general structure could work for you

Either 3 or 4 days a week of weights and 3 to 4 days of running

4 weights/3 running
  • Monday - upper
  • Tuesday - easy medium distance run
  • Wednesday- lower
  • Thursday - a short distance run
  • Friday - upper
  • Saturday- lower
  • Sunday - long run
If you wanna go 3/4 combine one day to a full-body weakpoint day or just go full body all 3 days and then add another medium or short run

Again, it's totally doable.
@mjsmom73 Oh dang he usually talks about it in his Q&A videos, I follow his videos so got to hear quite a lot, but I don't remember which specific one. He also has one video on running a few years ago:
@mjsmom73 This is how I train. I run around 25km a week and lift around 5-6 days a week.

I mostly program the lifting before I run because you need to really push the intensity when lifting to get the stimulus required for results. With running, the old saying “you need to run slow to run fast” is true so tacking a slow run onto the end of a workout is still beneficial and helps you to progress.

Obviously if you’re shooting for a pb on a run or doing a particularly intense speed workout, you shouldn’t lift beforehand as this will take away from it.

I’ve managed to buildup to a 19:20 time for the 5000m, which is quite good for someone who focuses slightly more on lifting than running. I’m 5’10 and weigh 78kg, roughly around 13-14% body fat.

It’s a good hobby to get into, but he who chases two rabbits catches neither. If you want to be really great at something you need to focus on that thing only but if you’re like me and happy to just be pretty good at 2 things, then it’s great