How to organize my exercises for my workouts every week


New member
Hi, i’m a skinny 17 y.o. trying to gain weight, using parallettes and resistance bands at home, and a backpack for weighted exercises like weighted push ups. I want to make my back, shoulders, chest, and arms stronger - what is the best way to organize my exercises to do this? for example, should i do chest and arms workout on one day, and back and shoulders on the other? which muscles should i workout in the same day to produce the greatest muscle gain?
@revena Take a look at PPL. It’s a reasonable way to organize workouts. Day 1: push muscles (e.g. triceps), day 2 pull (e.g. biceps), day 3 legs.

There are different cycles you can use (like do you do each once a week, twice a week? Staggered), but you were asking how to group them and this is a reasonable way.

Personally, if I were you assuming no job so no schedule tied to weekdays, I would do 4 day cycles (ppl, rest).

Have suggestions for some apps that can help if you’re interested.
@girlplea thanks, this is very helpful! i’m gonna try the 4 day cycles, and if you could give me some apps to help with it that would be great!
@revena To gain muscle:

1) Follow a full body strength training program encompassing progressive overload on compound exercises
2) Aim for ~1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight per day (source)

3) Try to get 9 hours of sleep per day (source)

Google "TDEE calculator" to estimate your daily caloric usage. Download a calorie tracker app and track your meals.

Focus on whole foods such as meat (red, white, fish), eggs, dairy, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, legumes, grains, etc. Prioritize high protein and high fiber. Avoid sugar and processed foods. For a more specific nutritional goal, try Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen Checklist.

A high protein diet aids in fat loss (source), and increased protein intake can beneficially affect recovery times (source) and reduce soreness (source).

I want to make my back, shoulders, chest, and arms stronger - what is the best way to organize my exercises to do this?

There are six major movements:
  • Vertical pull (pull-ups/lat pull-downs)
  • Vertical push (overhead press)
  • Horizontal pull (rows)
  • Horizontal push (bench press/push-ups)
  • Anterior chain (squats)
  • Posterior chain (deadlifts)
Organization is mostly down to your personal schedule. You want to hit every muscle group at least once a week and avoid muscle imbalances.