How would you strategize this WOD?

@priest4him Yeah... just don't start hot or you'll get rekt even more.

Some elite athletes do it under 10.
Don't be afraid to scale the weight! And get on with suffering.
@priest4him Don’t forget to breathe (breathe at the bottom and top of the thruster) and don’t go out of the gate too hard. A looong long time ago I saw Kalsu programmed at a comp with a time cap. Nearly everyone got capped. The only two people who didn’t were a guy who was a total fire breather (I think he nearly finished on the podium at regionals that year), and a woman who started so slowly compared to everyone else I thought she couldn’t possibly finish the WOD in time. It’s easy to redline in this wod and then just stand there looking at the bar trying to get the wherewithal to pick it up.
@priest4him If this is your training, Don’t do this, you don’t need this type of work out in training.

Maybe its ok to do it once a year, but the stress on your buddy from this shit will limit next day strength and conditioning training.
@priest4him This is one of my favorite workouts! Back in the day we knew the version with 95/65 as The Crippler. I do a big set of 25ish in the first minute and then just hold on. I've done it in 5:55, which is 6 sets.

Then CrossFit Football came out with the heavy version at 135/95 and it was called Kalsu. That one I treat like an EMOM of 5 burpees + 5-7 thrusters.
@priest4him If you're asking for a strategy on this, you probably should scale it! I'd say giving yourself a time cap is a great move. 20 minutes maybe? Fewer burpees on the minute is also really good. Ligthter weight on its own or combined with any other scale is good.

I think the two reasonable strategies are perfect pacing so you you can just ride that wave of misery without destroying yourself or alternating "big" rounds and little rounds. You STILL don't want to super-crush yourself for your big rounds. If you're a 3 per round perfect pacing type of person, you might instead do 5/2. That's on average one more per round. But if the 5 wrecks you, it's not a good move. For me it passes the time better that way.

And of course yes start your minutes promptly every time.
@priest4him Did this last week and finished around 36:51. I(female) scaled the weight to 65lb. Probably my biggest piece I’d advise is to scale the weight accordingly. The burpees catch up to you and the longer you do the workout the more burpees you have to do.

I treated it a bit like a EMOM and aimed to get 10-15 seconds breather at the end of each minute.

I broke it up as 5 thrusters for the first 8 minutes and then went to 3 thrusters for the next 8. And then 1-2 for the remaining time. Doing just 1 thruster would give me a ton of time to take a bit of a break which helped with the burpees because 180 burpees is not fun.

Good Luck!