I’m 5’4.5 and I weigh 146


New member
…I’d like to get to 120, and I’m wondering how many grams of protein per day I should have. I walk every day on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I move a bit at work (hairdresser). I get between 90 grams and 110 grams of protein a day.
Is this too much?
@sandralois Thank you for the response! I’m sort of new to this and I’m really trying to weigh less OR get stronger so that my poor kneecaps don’t fall apart lol.
I sometimes feel like such an idiot about my pursuit of health because no matter how much I research the answers vary. Heck…I don’t know if I’m actually even petite at my height! I just know that I’m trying to help myself and I was a bit worried that too much protein could lead to…suspended frequency with the BMs lol.
Your comment helped, so thanks.
@judy123 No worries at all! The best thing is just to start somewhere, don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "good" and all that. I think if youre already walking so much, weightlifting or even just bodyweight routines to build strength will go a long way. The weight loss will come in time, but you may find that that's a good weight and you just need more muscle to look/feel how you want to
@thea3 Nope. 0.8g/kg is the minimum protein required for a sedentary lifestyle according to the WHO. If the goal is building muscle/recomp, 0.8-1g/lb is the number to go by
@judy123 This range of protein is fine. I'm 5'3.5", started off mid-130 lbs and am now 115-120 lb. If your goal is simply weight loss then you need to focus more on your overall calories rather than how much protein you're getting.

You're already at a fairly low weight for your height, what is more important is getting your calorie deficit (and strength training for bonus!)

Do you have a fitness watch? If not try to get one and use it to get an idea of your BMR and average TDEE. I'm making big guesses based on my own stats, but I think your BMR is around 1350 and you're burning about 200-300 a day which would bring your TDEE to about 1600-1650 cal/days.

Based off that I recommend eating about 1200-1400 calories a day. It's not a 500 calorie deficit so it'll take longer but I don't recommend you eat like 1000 calories a day. Please adjust based on your actual stats if you can figure it out.

Once I got closer to my goal weight I shifted my goal from overall weight to decreasing my body fat percentage. I lift heavy and eat at maintenance, and yes now I do focus on getting about at least 80g protein a day.

I also want to note that at your height and current weight, you'll need to be more accurate than someone a lot taller and heavier to actually get in your deficit and make progress. Just take it slow and easy. Good luck!
@judy123 I'm 5'4", 130lbs, and I aim for 110-130g protein per day. It's very difficult to eat too much protein. I've had good success eating around 1750 calories and shooting for 120g protein per day. I weightlift 3-4x/wk, Dance 2x/week, and try and get 7000 steps/day.

Also, I would also like to point out that it would be healthy not to have a goal weight in mind. Once you start weight lifting and moving your body more, you will gain muscle (which is weight), and your shape will change. Weight tells you very little, I'd focus on body measurements or how clothing fits. For reference, I've only lost 5-7lbs, but I've lost 2 inches on my waist, increased my shoulder width, and added muscle to my abs, glutes, and thighs. I went from wearing a small/medium to an extra small/small and most of my pants are all too big now.
@catdawgkimberly I agree that a goal weight is not a great thing to focus on. I was reading about how excess weight puts unbelievable pressure on your kneecaps, so I thought losing weight or walking daily might help strengthen or take the load off. I think you’re right that lifting would help along with moving more. Thanks for your reply
@stosa I honestly haven't been doing anything too special. I was doing 2 upper body, and 2 lower body workouts per week (~1hr/session) and just really trying to lift heavy and hot every muscle group 2x/ week in some way.

I switched to 3 full body for 1.5hr sessions last week to try something new.
@stosa It was very high volume for the like 3 months i did this exact split. I would fully rest 2 days a week and do yoga on the other rest day. And that's why I'm stepping back for a bit. But, I optimized it for my gym layout, so each session was 1-1:15hr.

Leg days were 5 exercises: 2-3 compound lifts with 2 warm-up sets and 3x6-8 working sets, then 2-3 accessory lifts 3x8-12.

Lower Day 1: squat 3x6-8, b-stance rdl 3x6-8, cable pull through 3x8-12, single leg glute kickback 3x8-12, hip abduction 3x8-12.
Lower day 2: deadlift 3x6-8, hip thrust 3x6-8, Bulgarian split squat 3x8-12, lying hamstring curl 3x8-12, hip adduction 3x8-12

Upper days were 7 exercises: the first chest and first back exercise I would do 1-2 warm-ups sets but everything was 3 working sets.

Upper Day 1: bench press 3x6-8, Dumbbell Row 3x8-12, lat pulldown 3x6-8, tricep rope pushdown 3x6-8, hammer curl 3x8-12, Lateral raise 3x8-12, reverse fly 3x8-12

Upper Day 2: assisted chip up 3x6-8, overhead press 3x6-8, seated cable Row 3x8-12, incline bench press 3x8-12, seated incline curl 3x6-8, skullcrusher 3x8-12, chest fly 3x8-12
Thanks for your response! I agree that I shouldn’t focus on my weight as much as strengthening my body. I usually eat 1450 to 1500 calories a day, and sometimes I think I’m not eating enough and then other times I feel like I’m eating too much. I have always weighed 120 to 130 until I turned 42 and for the last few years I’ve crept up to where I am now. More than anything I want to be healthy and not obsessive, but until I found this group I always struggled to figure out how so many people can eat so many more calories then I can and LOSE weight….which DID make it feel like an obsession. I am learning how to have a healthier relationship to my body and this group really helps.
Thanks for the well wishes:)
@judy123 I think you meant to respond to my other message but yes I was losing weight eating 1400-1600 calories a day but that's because I was burning about 500 a day. I was doing one group HIIT class (cardio and strength) a day which burned about 300 and then my steps were 8-10k a day which burned about another 200 calories. This is a lot more active than the average person so I feel you. I feel like I have to work out so much more to get to eat the same amount as someone else. And then what is more ridiculous is that you get down to your goal weight/body composition and sometimes you're like wow so now my BMR is even less than before so maintenance is just as hard. I just try to find joy in my resistance training and the goals I'm reaching there instead. Though I'm 39 in a few months, and my back is also starting to hurt, haha! And I try not to compare myself to a 20 year old. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and awareness of how to keep a healthy mindset about this. Eating 1450-1500 is good, you just have to make sure you're burning a little bit more than that. It doesn't have to be a lot more, but just make sure it's more. I have found that slow and steady can win the race too. You'll be alright!