@stosa It was very high volume for the like 3 months i did this exact split. I would fully rest 2 days a week and do yoga on the other rest day. And that's why I'm stepping back for a bit. But, I optimized it for my gym layout, so each session was 1-1:15hr.
Leg days were 5 exercises: 2-3 compound lifts with 2 warm-up sets and 3x6-8 working sets, then 2-3 accessory lifts 3x8-12.
Lower Day 1: squat 3x6-8, b-stance rdl 3x6-8, cable pull through 3x8-12, single leg glute kickback 3x8-12, hip abduction 3x8-12.
Lower day 2: deadlift 3x6-8, hip thrust 3x6-8, Bulgarian split squat 3x8-12, lying hamstring curl 3x8-12, hip adduction 3x8-12
Upper days were 7 exercises: the first chest and first back exercise I would do 1-2 warm-ups sets but everything was 3 working sets.
Upper Day 1: bench press 3x6-8, Dumbbell Row 3x8-12, lat pulldown 3x6-8, tricep rope pushdown 3x6-8, hammer curl 3x8-12, Lateral raise 3x8-12, reverse fly 3x8-12
Upper Day 2: assisted chip up 3x6-8, overhead press 3x6-8, seated cable Row 3x8-12, incline bench press 3x8-12, seated incline curl 3x6-8, skullcrusher 3x8-12, chest fly 3x8-12