I’m confused about protein… 🫤

@cdlara381 I like protein powder, just so I don’t have to be as regimented about counting my meal proteins. I can get plenty from powder and my amino acid supplement (perfect amino acids by body health), then whatever I get from good is bonus.
@cdlara381 Since you’re trying to lose weight, I think whole foods would be best only because they’ll take up more space in your belly and help you feel full.
@cdlara381 Hey, I'm in your same boat and struggling to get over 60g of protein per day. I aim for around 1800 calories per day. I have been trying to really focus on at least 35g of fiber, and 80 g of protein. Fiber is no problem, but protein is so hard! I can't do it without protein powder, and even then I barely make it to my goal. I'd rather be close to 100 g daily (I'm currently 168 lbs).
@cdlara381 It's 1.2g per LEAN body mass. LEAN being an extremely important and overlooked key word.

So a fatty at 40% body fat at 200lbs would need DRASTICALLY less protein then someone who's 15% body fat at 200lbs.

So if youre at 30% body fat at 84kg that's actually (84 - 0.3 x 84) = 58.8 x 1.2g = 70.56g of protein.

You're definitely getting enough. If you want more it's not really difficult.

Here's an example of what i eat some days:

Extra firm block of tofu (56g) + a protein shake gets you at about 78g of protein right there.

Add in other foods like two cups of black beans and you're at 108g which way more than enough and you've still got a lot of left over calories.
@aderyn93 Ahh yeah so I should be getting more than enough, right?

Why do people always say per pound of body weight or per kg of body weight? They never say the lean part…

and yeah idk if I’m 30% because the navy calculator only took neck and waist circumference but I also have naturally thick legs which look like they would weigh a bit so yeah it said about 33% but I reckon I would be a bit lower… or not haha I’m really not sure.
I’ll probably ask in this subreddit next week when I post my progress pics. I’ve lost 11kg since 1st of January so far.
@cdlara381 Yeah people for some reason always forget the lean keyword. Without that word that means an obese person has the same protein requirements as someone who's pure muscle if they weigh the same amount which is bs. Body fat percentage is what matters the most.

I definitely believe you're getting enough and it looks like your weight loss regimine is working so I'd keep up whatever you're doing
@cdlara381 The protein fiasco is a real thing.

Buuut it depends on your goals. If you're trying to maintain a low body fat % while also building then it's probably necessary. Or at least im finding success in it. But that's with homemade seitan and protein powder.
@floz I’m trying to get to a lower body fat percentage while maintaining or building muscle but on the huge caloric deficit that I am on, it’s probably not too possible to build muscle.. but I’m trying to lose about 14kg or ~31lbs ☺️
@cdlara381 Its possible, just definitely look into seitan/ vital wheat gluten. The protein to fat ratio is literally a cheat code.

And workout hard asf
@floz What sort of protein fat ratio u looking at? I choose lock meats by 2:1 protein to fat ratio so if the product has 20g of protein per serve and 4g of fat, it’s ok for me (2x 4g = 8g (8g is lower than 20g of protein)) that’s my logic 😜

Also I do only calisthenics I don’t really go to the gym. Do u think it’s a problem?

Also what exactly is vital wheat gluten?
@cdlara381 I believe seitan lands in the realm of 2.35 grams of fat for 75 grams of protein. Thats forn a 100 gram serving.

Buuuut i mix mine with black beans and nutritional yeast. So its a little bit more.

And yea calisthenics is goated. Thats what i was mostly doing toward the end of last summer when I got my 6 pack for the first time. Going for the 8 this year.

And vital wheat gluten is pretty much pure gluten. So if you don't have gluten intolerances, it's a must try. Its super cheap too and really easy to make. I dont like cooking much but I've consistently made batches for over 6 months now.
@cdlara381 Yea, so its a powder. Its almost like making a bread. But you mix dry and wet ingredients and can cook it.

Depending on your mixture it'll have a different consistency. But yea mostly taste meaty. Look up some recipes on YouTube, theres so many ways to approach it.
@floz Very interesting, I just might, you can freeze it too I presume? ☺️

About the calisthenics still, how many sets and reps do you do for each exercise like how do I know when to move to the more challenging one?
@cdlara381 Ive never frozen it. It last awhile in the fridge.

I never really did numbers. More till failure, which looks different with different workouts. But if your goal is to hit harder versions. The best way is just to drop set it. So for example, toes to bar for ab workouts is a harder ab workout then leg raises. But if you can muster up some of the harder versions, then immediately hit the easier versions you'll find great progress.

But if you're trying to learn muscle ups or front planche. You'll just need to learn holds or use resistance bands to get the motion down. So definitely implement those learning blocks into your workouts where it makes sense.
@cdlara381 As a vegan for over 30 years (who has been more fit, less fit, more muscly, less muscly, weighed more, weighed less in 30+ years) the only protein supplements I knowingly eat are cliff bars some days - 7 to 10 grams of protein per bar.

I am 55 years old, in good health, do not take any regular medications or supplements aside from a vegan multi a few days a week to ensure I don't go too low on vitamin D or B12 or whatever. While I do pay some attention to the foods I eat, making sure they're a mix of whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and veggies, sometimes quinoa - I have no idea how many grams of protein I eat a day. After being vegan over 30 years, still being in good health (and looking decent at 55) I seem to get enough protein.

What I think I know about protein comes mostly on the protein content of milk. When we are babies, we are growing the most new body in our lives. Even more new body than competitive body builders. When our bodies are growing the fastest, biology serves humans a food that has 6-7% protein as a % of calories. That is all. Says to me eating more protein than that is useless because our fully grown bodies will not use all that extra protein and we will just make our kidneys work extra hard filtering it out of our blood, if we even digest it at all.

Cows grow faster than humans and cow milk is around 21% protein. About 3 times more than human milk. 3 times more than humans need when we are growing the fastest. I hear rat milk is around 50% protein. Rats grow MUCH faster than cows or humans, so their milk is loaded with protein.

You're not a cow or a rat. Biology gives you a food that is 6-7% protein as a % of calories when you were growing the fastest. Eating more than that does not do anything other than enrich the companies who make protein powders and make your kidneys work extra hard. Did you know broccoli is 35% protein (as a % of calories)?
Who woulda thunk?