I’m losing weight but my lifts are going up, should I continue what I’m doing?


New member
Hey, I’m 16M, 5’9 and 160lbs. Since March this year, when I was 176lbs I’ve stopped counting my calories. Went to a dietitian and she helped me lose weight and focus on maintaining as much muscle as possible while doing that because it was Ramadan and I was fasting. So my lifts got lower throughout that month (Ramadan) but after that, she gave me a diet plan which I was somewhat following. But now I almost stopped following the plan and also didn’t return to counting calories. And I still managed to return to the weights I lifted on most exercises and even exceeded some. But I have a huge plateau with my chest, like it is relatively close to the weight I’ve been lifting since last year on bench press. So should I just continue what I’m doing and just progress a bit slowly like that so I don’t increase much in fat? Or try recomp? Start bulking again?

Even though I think I can still progress with what I’m doing but it’s really slow and I don’t wanna waste time and potential, especially that summer holiday is coming and I have all the time in the world to focus on my body. Also, I am still losing weight but really slowly, like after Ramadan I was 163 and now 160, I hope it is fat that I’m losing but I don’t want to make the mistakes I made before, like dirty bulking and being a bit chubby or when I wasted the whole summer with no actual progress. So, what’s the next step for me?

**I’ve been going to the gym for a bit over two years now.
@blueskies88 What kind of strength levels are we talking about here? You can very well train two years in a sporadic manner and still be a complete beginner.

If your lifts are going up and you don’t mind the weight loss, why change anything? You’re making progress
@dawn16 I guess I’m still considered a beginner to be honest, that’s why I’m looking to change. I don’t want to waste more time than I already did. Here’s a post of my body transformation.

I didn’t test my 1RM in w while but depending on an online calculator (obviously it’s just an assumption) here are they for the 4 main lifts.

Bench press: 160lbs
Squats: 273lbs
Deadlift (Romanian): 268lbs
OHP (dumbbells): 126lbs.

But my progress is really slow and I’m afraid that most of it was from the muscle memory that was easy to gain after I lost the muscle in ramadan. And my chest plateau is really weird m, I didn’t increase much since December last year :/.
@kkaiser85 Lol I didn’t mean great progress. I have a plateau in many exercises but I meant that I was still able to increase or at least maintain. Should’ve written a better title.