@peteristherock You should check out my profile. As I am the same weight as you. You'll probably be able to develop better than I did with the same as much exercise as I've had, but it's still some insight on what to look forward to what you can accomplish even at 122lbs.
That other person that talked with the long comment, they were pretty spot on for the most part. It's still possible to work out 7 days a week if you were really trying to be at the top of your game, she said for most people and she's right for most people they just need 5-6 days a week. But, if you're in athletics for instance, you really wouldn't have any other choice if you were trying to be better than everyone else, the couches only have 30min a day to crack you into shape, which is just never enough, so most people in athletics after coming back home continue working out, plus perhaps only sticking with cardio on the side during their weekends.
And it's not great to work smaller muscles multiple times a week like that's somehow better because bigger muscles need to recover, you build more muscle in bigger muscles faster than you do little ones, that's one way to over train by straining small muscles too many times. You need less exercise for smaller muscles and more exercise for bigger muscles. I mean, if you don't do it like that, that's how you ware yourself out right before attempting a big major exercise, and you'll never get as big as you could have gotten by doing it that way.
You don't need to get anxious over anyone always lifting more weight than you, because that's good for them that already have a lot of muscle and strength, first you need to get the strength, which really needs you using lightweight a lot more than just lifting heavier, and then once you have the strength, you lift heavier, and therefore build more muscle.
I won't lie to you, there's not an absolute guarantee that if you work out your abs more that they'll become more visible. I've seen people that weigh less than me that never worked out before who had full on six packs, and I would know because also I used to be able to do 450 suspended sittups multiple times a day and I still don't have visible abs, only obliques that show.
I would stick with 5 ab exercises at one workout session. You can do more, but it's less likely to stay sustainable in the long term. For pushups, I would stick to 4 sets no matter how many more you do at once, because once you start going upwards of 50, I've been able to do 116 straight to the floor at once, and there's no force in heaven or hell that would compell me to do it twice in one day lol. I don't know how many pullups I could have done back when I still had all my strength, but 12 is good, I can only do 15 now that I'm working out again, but getting past 30 is the real challenge no matter how strong you really get, your muscles simply can't supply energy long enough to keep doing more at that point unless you really are that good at doing pullups. I could, however, do a chinup hang time of over 12mins, but back then I was also able to curl 65lb dumbbells in each hand and press them overhead. I feel that preacher curls are best for the biceps with either an ez bar or dumbbells, I mean, I did tons of biceps curls other ways, but still came to the conclusion that preacher curls were still the best at working the whole bicep if you do it right. And the other reason why I'm saying this is because, if you do them, don't overestimate your strength when it comes to if you use a pad under your elbow that you'll be able to curl more, that's one way to tear a bicept, I've seen it happen. And cables, cables, cables. Don't underestimate what you can do using cables, they supply a constant force on your muscles that you can't beat with dumbbells or a barbell, if you know how to use them properly. It's a good thing to also use resistance bands while you're young starting to learn how to exercise because it builds a lot of confidence for other equipment and safer than lugging around heavy weights.
I can keep talking like this, but only if you still want to hear more after reading this.