I’m very confused as to where to start keeping my football(soccer) practice in mind. What do you guys recommend?


New member
I(21M) am 6ft tall and weigh around 90kg (yes I’m fat around my chest,belly and hip areas. basically just fat). I’ve started going out every morning for football practice by myself. I don’t really want to spend time figuring out the body weight fitness workouts as I just want something simple and minimalistic.

I’ve started intermittent fasting and keeping my diet and calorie intake in check. And my football practice covers cardio, plyometrics and the other technical aspects of the game. I need a workout that basically improves my balance and also strengthens my core. I don’t want to be someone who’s really muscular but one who’s really strong and tough to shake off the ball or tough to be outbalanced when applied w pressure. I have been looking at Simple and Sinister as it was suggested in the football subreddit but I just wanted to ask whether it is enough for the above requirements I just stated. If not, then please recommend simple and minimalist workout routines that would work for me. Thanks in advance for all the replies.
@cleloup85 If you are new to kettlebells start with the absolute basics like deadlift and swing. Almost every kettlebell move challenges your core.
@gthan okay thanks so I should start S&S later right? also does this help w the above requirements I’ve mentioned w regards to my football needs?
@cleloup85 Kettlebell training is more general preparedness training and less sport specific training. Kettlebell training will improve your overall fitness and strength which will help you with your football needs. Is it the best complimentary training method for football? I cannot say. But it sure as hell will improve your physical performance in many aspects when done right. Start with the basics and advance from there. Consistency is key and programs like S&S will help you train consistently.
@cleloup85 I certainly am not a coach so take my advice as such. My experience with kettlebells is slighly over a year so I am a beginner also. The path I described is my own and I'm sure there are other ways as well.

Check out Mark Wildman's videos. You'll get far with those.
@cleloup85 Yes. I started with YouTube like many others I assume. First I learned the swing and clean (I kind of skipped the deadlift tbh). Then TGU and some squats. But yeah basically you need to master the swing first because it is the basis for almost all of the other movements (I guess you can do TGU without knowing how to swing but it's way harder and I doubt nobody started with a TGU).
@cleloup85 Compound movements that work a majority of muscles are still the way to go. Being overall stronger will achieve your goals more than training only for those goals. Stick to the big kettlebell movements, clean and press, snatch, swing, double kettlebell front squat, etc.
@cleloup85 A bigger muscle is a stronger muscle. Especially for beginners there's very little difference between getting bigger and getting stronger.

Some people are really enamoured with Turkish getups, but I really don't get the hype.

For kettlebells, the best bang for your buck comes from doing a lot of cleans, presses and front squats. If you want to get to the next level from that, add in some snatches, pullups/chinups and dips/pushups.

Dry Fighting Weight and DFW Remix are great places to start. The former has you doing 30 minute workouts of clean, press and front squat 3x/week, while the latter adds in some rows and swings on off-days. If it interferes with your training, you can always scale down or reduce the number of Remix days.

Other minimalist options are The Giant (a bundle of paid clean & press programs) and King Sized Killer (a bundle of snatch programs). The main downside of those two programs is that you have to scroll through Geoff's ugly-ass website and marketing speak, but I promise those programs are good.
@cleloup85 I’ve been thinking about this too.I’m going to try a ladder with front squats and reverse lunges. Maybe even throw in some thrusters. In the break between reps maybe 50 toe taps/ sole rolls. Maybe even unilateral farmer walks or overhead carries to work on your core strength if you have space to move. COYG.