I am the L-sit's b#tch


New member
I am one of the least flexible people I've ever met, and I've always been this way. In kindergarten, we were expected to sit cross-legged in the classroom. I always knelt on my knees, as I couldn't sit cross-legged. I was five years old!

I do the feet-on-floor L-sit as part of the recommended routine, but it just slays me. I have no problem protracting my scapula and holding my butt several inches off the ground -- in fact I like it. But the compression required to hold that position for 10 or 20 seconds, remedial as that is, is pure hell.

Obviously I need to be more diligent about doing the compression exercises. Any other suggestions?
@dawn16 There's a website where you can pay people $5 dollars to record a 20 second video. That's where this is from. That's certainly not me tho, I can't dance as good as he can.
@fanner570 As long as you're consistent with compression plus the stretching routine, you'll get there eventually. Just add patience to the mix. Stay strong!