I am too obsessed with fitness


New member
So, like my title says, i think weight lifting and fitness has become a bit too much of an obsession to me. Starting with a background story : I am a 20 years old man, started lifting at 18 after i almost died in a car crash. I was drinking a lot at that time and had issues with drugs too, which led me to being somewhat overweight. I have a pretty obsessive personality, so once i started working out, it took me a week to get hooked, 5 months later i was in the best shape of my life, but still drinking sometimes and living a normal life. Fast forward a year : no more drinking, no more seeing people except my girl because every person my age likes get a drink on weekends, gf founds me boring asl because i never want to do shit, i track everything i eat, i obsess over sleep and i research before doing anything minor to know if it will impact my muscle growth and fitness goals. To sum it up : i’m starting to burn out from being so fucking reclusive with my lifestyle. I started drinking occasionally again a couple weeks ago, maybe 5-6 drinks on fridays, and i can’t stop fucking worrying about my testosterone and hydration and all that shit. « Will my workout just cause my muscles to go in a catabolic state because of dehydration and lower mps? » « will my t levels recover in time for my workouts to be good this week » I would’ve preferred to live like before, with limited knowledge and a good physique nonetheless, but now i just know so much shit that i question everything i do. Keep in mind I’m in my 20’s, and i know technically what I’m doing is good, but i can’t help but wan’t to live a more balanced lifestyle without it fucking with my head. This text might sound stupid, im french and wrote it on a whim but eh, i’d like to have opinions, or tips to help me just let go a bit cause its becoming so draining.
@galactic_wolf You mentioned you have an obsessive personality, you may be addicted to exercise and probably need to seek some professional help. If you can’t force yourself to have a week or two off of exercise and it causes you to panic, you know you need help.

Edit: its important not to self diagnose anything based off of the internet unless you get a second opinion tbh, but if you can change your lifestyle and habits so its not affecting you so negatively, do it
@galactic_wolf I think it's pretty easy to get "obsessed" or addicted to things in general, perhaps even normal to a certain degree but, being that you recognize that it's affecting your life negatively just implement certain behaviors to try to impose more balance into your lifestyle. It won't be easy but, everyone struggles with balancing it all and it's completely normal to get carried away sometimes and have to make adjustments in life. The fact that you're aware that it's a problem is a good thing.
@galactic_wolf I'll leave you with one extremely important piece of advice; If you are natty, trying to "optimize" your testosterone levels is a complete waste of time. Enjoy your workouts, enjoy your drinks, and enjoy your friends. Build those memories. The gym will always be there, but your friends may not, so cherish the time you have with them while you can.