I built a searchable database of exercises organized by muscle, equipment, and exercise type. There are also gifs to illustrate the exercises


New member
Hey! I spent some time building a searchable, filterable database of exercises.

I've started working out by myself and I use it to build my workout every day.

Use the "filter" function to sort by the equipment you have available, muscles you want to target, or wether you feel like cardio/plyo/weights. I thought I would share in case it's useful to anyone here.

Most exercises have a gif to illustrate how to do them, I'm in the process of adding gifs/photos for the remaining exercises.

I'm open to feedback (let me know any exercises you love) or use it for your own devices.


Edit: Open this on desktop if possible. Airtable isn't very mobile friendly

Edit 2: Someone asked what kind of workout I would build using the database, this is a basic one you can copy and rotate the exercises. More info in this comment:
  • WARMUP// 5 cardio exercises for 30 secs each, 1x
  • WEIGHTS// 3 - 6 weight exercises, 10 - 12 reps, 4x each. You can do a leg day, arm day, full body day, mixture, or core day.
  • PLYO// 2 sets of 3 plyo exercises, 20 secs per exercise with 10 sec break. 3x each.
@wiichkuneew Are you adding and removing exercises from the table? I love this and saved it to my home screen a few days ago. When I checked it out again today, it had completely different exercises, but some that were there when I first saved it - like fire hydrants and donkey kicks - were missing.

Has the database changed or is my phone being weird?
@tetrahedron There’s 114 exercises in the table! Sometimes filters are selected, so you should make sure there are none selected when you’re looking at it to see all the exercises!
@wiichkuneew this is so awesome!! I've been plugging links to GIFs & videos into my workout plans for a long time & always hoped someone would come up with something like this
@wiichkuneew That looks really neat. I just stumbled over the abductor squat...that looks a bit too gimmicky and as if it would break the machine because it is definitely not made to be stood upon.
@wiichkuneew Sorry, I think I phrased that poorly. I don't think this exercise should be include when it promotes unsafe use of equipment. But apparently that's worth a down vote these days.
@dawn16 Nope, you didn't phrase poorly. I added a note to the exercise saying that this isn't the suggested way to use the equipment and to proceed with caution.
@wiichkuneew I'm wondering if I'm seeing this all. When I click on the link I see 13 exercises only. I don't get a search option either. I'm not really familiar with airtable. I downloaded the app but that doesn't seem to make a difference. This sounds so cool that I'd really love to get it opened correctly.