I built a searchable database of exercises organized by muscle, equipment, and exercise type. There are also gifs to illustrate the exercises

@wiichkuneew This is amazing. So amazing, I shared it with my husband and he was super excited. It’s such a great way to just get ideas for programs even.
One question: did you consider adding a “similar” exercises bit? Like if I don’t have equipment or whatever this might be an “alternative.”
@max2800 Good idea! Under the "equipment" column of most of the exercises I added any equipment that could be used for the exercise. For example, if you look at squats you can use bodyweight, dumbbells, squat rack, band or a bar. I tried to show all the options that way. So if you sort only by the equipment you have access to, that exercise will still show up!
@wiichkuneew That is awesome! Smart thinking. I’m not super familiar with airtable, but i suppose sorting by muscle would also be helpful for looking at exercises that work the same or similar muscles.
@wiichkuneew How awesome of you to share it and not just try and make money out of it! I’ve been wanting something just like this! As a busy Mum whose gym is just about to close down this couldn’t be any better timing. Thanks so much for your generosity!
@wiichkuneew Excellent job!! I always wanted to have something like this and I love the note so that you added to the excercises like the box jumps.

One small recommendation is that I would add a couple of fields to the spreadsheet to point out how to make the excercise harder or easier. Weight based excercises are easy, just add more weight, rest less, do it slower, etc but for bodyweight based excercises is harder to know how to progress.
@wiichkuneew wow impressive ! this is professional! I find it so cute when people do things like this , cute in a sense of hard work put into something to share for others, you are the man or wo-man!
@wiichkuneew Looks fantastic, I’ve copied it to my AirTable but the gifs don’t appear to be working on iPhone which is rather disappointing. It does work via the webpage but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do anything without a desktop or app. Have I missed something?

Either way that’s great work!