I built a searchable database of exercises organized by muscle, equipment, and exercise type. There are also gifs to illustrate the exercises

@canejanine If you download the app, you can still access the exercise database for free. You can also custom build your own workout templates on the site that sync to your app. I use it when I'm looking for a specific exercise or something different when I get bored of the same movements.
@wiichkuneew And so many are weirdly lacking any kinda imagery, yet the descriptions sound cryptic and confusing. GIFs are really necessary here (and ideal over an excessively long video).
@wiichkuneew While at work today I was showing the table to the others and they love it! One asked if there was a donate button to support further development.

One suggestion that was given was a filter for plane of motion the exercise occurs in.
@wiichkuneew As a trainer the one thing I love to see and learn is the cues used by others. I know clients respond differently to external and internal cues. "Tighten you belly like a drum" vs "contract your abs". If you have anything that really helps get the proper movement/contraction to occur for you that would be neat to see.

Edit: spelling