I don’t count calories


New member
I’m a firm believer of “one diet doesn’t fit all”. I see food as medicine: needs to be adjusted to each variable in a person.
That being said, I’m wondering if anyone agrees? If you do, how should I figure out how many calories I need?
@outside There are calculators online to figure out how much you need depending on your goals. And it's incredibly difficult to know how much you're eating without counting calories. Even with measuring everything it can be tricky, so going by "intuition" is going to be way off for majority of people.
@mdipon Those calculators are going to be way off for many people since they are estimates, and we know that people's metabolisms vary a lot within the same height/weight. The only way to really know with any meaningful accuracy is to use a whole-body calorimeter, something only research institutions or incredibly wealthy people have access to.

I don't think it's bad for you to suggest them, as we all have to start somewhere, but I do think it's helpful to remember a caveat, as you did with the last part of your post.

In short, it's all tricky, and all of it includes trial and error and a bit of intuition. Those calorie estimates online just help you find a place to start.
@outside I don't either. Calorie counting is a lot of work and not suitable for everyone. If you have certain goals like you want to be sure you'll bulk or cut then it might be worthwhile. For myself I'm fine just to eat nutritious food and exercise.
@outside When I tracked calories I did it in a mostly healthy way, I ate things I liked (candy, pizza, etc.) but in more limited quantities. After doing that I have a rough understanding of how much I can eat when bulking/cutting. There’s a lot of resources on calorie counting, you can use (body weight in lbs x 15) as a rule to find out maintenance calories, but that doesn’t really factor in exercise, so online calculators can prove to be better, as long as they aren’t telling you to eat under 1200 calorie or something around that area.
@outside I don't either. I have a rough idea but there's no accuracy. I tried counting everything for my partner before I started working out as I cook at home and it was a drag. I appreciate there are many people that have amazing dedication to do this, but I'm not one of them!
@outside I was never really counting calories and my weight was remaining constant, I'm a pretty skinny person btw and I usually overeat, so it was normal to have a heartburn from overeating everyday after lunch.

I started counting calories 2 weeks ago to bulk up. Ironically, I feel like now I'm eating way less. We'll see how my weight changes.

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