I don’t have anyone else to share this with so here’s what I did at the gym today


New member
I don’t have a routine or anything I’m just trying stuff out atm so ehh yeah idk

Chest press: 2x15 25lb, 2x10 10lb

Curls: 1x20 20lbs, 2x10 10lbs

Walk: 12min 6.1speed, 3min 6.5speed

Tricep extensions: 4x20 50lbs

Ab crunch thing: 5x10 40lbs

Back pull thing: 1x15 40lbs, 1x15 30lbs

Leg press: 2x20 65lbs, 2x20 90lbs, 2x20 115lbs, 1x20 140lbs

Walk: 8min 6.5speed
@vonhelton You went, you did it, and you're putting it out there to be accountable. I don't know you but I'm still proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself. Nice job!

If you want more structure but don't want to hire a trainer, I've had success with the Fitbod app to help me group certain types of exercises on certain days (for example, distinct Push/Pull/Lower Body days). It's not perfect, but it helps me a ton (and keeps me accountable).

Regardless - keep at it!
@vonhelton I noticed the ab crunch thing in there and wanted to note that personally I've never felt my abs actually being worked on that thing. If you have the same issue I would reccomend just doing crunches. There's some good variation crunches such as toe touches and a bunch of others that I've felt hit my abs much better. Twists with a medicine ball also do a great job.
@vonhelton awesome!! i’m not a gym buff so i don’t know what all that is but i was tired just by reading it so im sure it’s a good workout! good job!
@vonhelton Congrats OP. Don't ever quit. And those days that you don't feel like going? Go. (Unless you're sick or emergency situations)

Used to be 380lbs, I hit 166lbs last month. Been sitting pretty in the mid 170s lately. Took me almost 3 years.

Keep going, you got this.