I got 11 pullups in a row when I was aiming for 10!

@shelly_s Yes! So I have this thing where I mentally subdivide the sets, like e.g. 9 reps - that's 3 in the beginning, 1 - 2 - 3, then 3 in the middle, and the final 3. For pullups, I'm currently at 3x8 - and I've found that if I aim for 8, that is, do 4 for the first half, then 4 for the second half, the fifth one is already getting harder, the sixth and seventh are hard, and the eighth, I fail occasionally. If I aim for ten (because that's my goal anyway), it goes much better: first "half" (i.e. the first five) are easy, and then there are only three left, that's much less than I just did!
@ayopoker Nice job! Have you been doing other exercises or training while doing GtG? I was doing the Move routine which includes dips, pull ups, push ups and bodyweight row and decided to GtG on push ups and pull ups to increase my reps. Meanwhile I continue to do the Move routine but only with the dips and bodyweight row (3x a week). The issue I'm having is it seems like I get pretty sore just from the dips and row alone. And so when I try to do the GtG pull ups, I find it really hard especially on my shoulders for some reason. I haven't had any issues with push ups.
@adanna I've been doing pull ups for a while before quarantine. I used to do them after a bouldering session and could usually do around 3x6. Back at home when I got back into training I could only do 3x5 and they felt very hard for some reason. I do a lot of warm up as per the move routine so I don't think that's the issue. I've also watched a lot of pull ups tutorial and am very attentive to my form. I would usually retract my scapula (like in a scapula pull up) before the pull up motion and try to think of driving my elbows down. I go chest to bar or close, squeeze my glutes all the way through, take my time on the negative, etc...
@anonymousguy My dumbells are pretty light and I'm still trying to get heavier ones so I did some light overhead presses, and triceps extension. How many pullups are you doing?
@ayopoker My max has gone down from 3x6 or 7 on a good day to 3x5 during quarantine and I find them pretty hard (not as warmed up as after a bouldering session when I went to the gym, although I do warm up here). For GtG I would do sets of 2s, about 8 times a day. I used to do overhead presses (pretty light dumbell as well) and skull crushers for triceps back at the gym too I really loved those.
@ayopoker Congrats!! i myself just got my first pull up and all i did was negatives, 3 sets of 3 rep 8 sec eccentric. I admit it took me quite a while, like one month to get to just 3 set of 3 rep 8 sec eccentric and one week later i was able to do a first pull up. Pull up was like impossible for me now that i can do it i am so much more motivated to workout and trust the process.