I have 9 more weeks to increase my pushups by 5 and after 6 weeks at the gym, I have seen no increase. Help please!


New member
Hi! I got a new job that starts at the beginning of May (2 months from now) and it requires a physical test for pushups, situps, and a 1.5 mile run. In September I start 10 weeks of training where our physical test results are increased slightly. I already meet the minimums and then some for post-training in situps and the 1.5 mile run but I am stuck on the pushups.

I am 28, M, 6'1" (185cm), 180lbs (81kg)

TLDR; Prior to gym I could do 17 pushups. After 6 weeks of gym, I can still only do 17 pushups. I need to be able to do 22 pushups in 9 weeks from now. How can I do this?

I need to do 22 pushups by May in 9 weeks and 24 pushups at the end of my training in September.

Prior to the gym I was able to do 17 pushups.

I’ve never really been a gym goer before but this job is forcing me to increase my pushups. For the past 6 weeks, I have gone to the gym M-F for 45min-1hr every morning and I take the weekend to rest. I primarily focus on my upper body.

A quick breakdown of my average gym routine: I do each exercise with 3 sets of 12 reps, with my third set usually only reaching 8-10 reps due to failure. I do flat dumbbell benchpress, overhead dumbbell benchpress, bicep curls, wrist curls, row machine, lat pulldown, and leg press with some other things mixed in throughout the week like chest press and shoulder press.

2 weeks ago I started implementing grease the groove for pushups by doing 4 of them every time I thought about it. Also 2 weeks ago I started doing 3.5 minutes of plank exercises on M, W, and F. Every Friday I test out my sit ups to make sure they are still good and I have increased from 37 to 42 in 1 minute.

My pushups 6 weeks ago, before I started going to the gym, was 17. My pushups after 6 weeks of consistent gym training… also 17.

I have also changed my diet to being high protein with an increase of calories. My weight has gone from 176lbs to 180lbs. I am still 6’1”.

What can I do? After 6 weeks I have been able to increase exercise weights, I feel a little stronger, and my body looks slightly better. The first week I did this I was pretty sore but now I’m only sore on my drive home and maybe a little the next day if I’m flexing. It’s bittersweet because I’m noticing changes and yet the one thing I need to change isn’t changing. I am enjoying the gym and it's gradually becoming a hobby of mine but now I feel crunched for time.

Is there anything I can do? Am I not training hard enough? I've read so many stories on here and the internet on people increasing pushups. That's how I found grease the groove. But I'm getting a little desperate now and maybe I'm not seeing something obvious. Thank you if you read all this!

TLDR; Prior to gym I could do 17 pushups. After 6 weeks of gym, I can still only do 17 pushups. I need to be able to do 22 pushups in 9 weeks from now. How can I do this?
@cjw2013 That makes me feel a little better. Do you have a recommendation on how to do them each day? For example, 3 sets to failure in the morning, afternoon, and evening? Or more?
@alessandro2121 I don’t think time of day matters all that much, but 3 sets a day to failure is good. Just keep pushing g yourself and you’ll be cranking out 50+ by the time of your test
@alessandro2121 Every other day do a session of as many pushups as you can within a set time. For example bust out as many as you can within 20 minutes. It should be difficult and you should get tired. Take breaks in between as needed but just try and grind it out.
@alessandro2121 Trust me, I used to be able to knock out close to 50 push-ups in a row. Went to the gym got bigger and stronger, doubled my incline bench, everything. And can’t do as many push-ups as I could in a row when I was doing them consistently. Train the movement and you will see results. I’d do 3 sets of 15 push-ups and 1 last set till failure.
@cs1000 I feel a little better knowing I'm not alone in that sense then. Interesting how that works though, you'd think they would increase in conjunction with your strength. Definitely going to be upping the amount of sets I do, thank you!
@alessandro2121 Force yourself to focus on the chest and arms. Grab a chair or something else sturdy and put your hands on the floor and your feet on the chair or other object.

Do reps if 17 to start but do at least 10 sets every other day. I did this when I was younger and got up to sets of 70 fairly quickly. Push yourself hard.
@saltlamp I imagine having my legs elevated puts more pressure on my chest and arms, making it easier to do traditional pushups later? I'll give that a try starting tomorrow, thank you!
@saltlamp Good tip! I just ordered some. I also did 10 sets of the elevated pushups til failure this morning after the gym so I'll continue doing that and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!
@saltlamp Hey, just wanted to give you a quick 2 week update. Last Monday morning, after resting for the weekend, I was able to get 22! I kept it up for the rest of the week and this morning (Monday) I was able to do a sloppy 20. Admittedly, I didn't eat much over this past weekend and when I did it was junk. But even still, it's above my previous 17. So for the coming weeks I'll keep my weekends more in check and hopefully I can bump it up some more but this is more progress in 2 weeks than I had in the previous 6 so thank you again! I was doing 10 sets til failure with a 2 minute break between each set 3 days a week in conjunction with my normal 5 day gym routine