I literally can’t gain weight


New member
I’m 6’3 and weigh 145 lbs. numerous times I’ve gone on bulks where I would eat 3500-4500 calories per day for months on end and at best I would gain 3 lbs each time. Im skinny as hell even though I workout 6 days a week and I see no progress. I train til failure with proper form and the right amount of weight yet nothing happens. All the while everyone around me is saying “gee I wish I could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight”. Im disgusted of my body and any time someone is walking behind me I move my arms around so they can’t see my bony elbow surrounded by no muscle. I hate the way I look and I don’t even know how to fix it.
@jessiengerman I can think of a few reasons. One, u simply aren't eating enough. Are u tracking? Two, you didn't bulk for long enough(its not a quick process). And you, you are OVERTRAINING. 6 days a week is alot. Not optimal for recovery for alot of people.
@blazefree I’d say that overtraining is less of a concern for bulking versus cutting. If you’re really in a surplus giving your body extra nutrients they should be able to handle more work. Remember the only difference between a real bulk and getting fat is tearing those muscle fibres down.

From OPs post, he wasn’t satisfied with the amount of weight he gained which is purely a caloric issue. If he gained lots of weight but not much muscle then there would be reason to investigate over/undertraining

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