I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

@lizlugo51 "I only want big arms". You only think this way cause the guys you look up to have big "everything else" and arms. Search for some synthol dudes and you realize how retarded it looks when you have no chest, back, shoulders and legs but big arms.

Anyways, if that's your goal then increase the frequency. Depending on what split you're doing, put them first in the workout when you're most fresh or dedicate a seperate day for arms.
@kahlenn I agree with that, I just think that due to "compound lifts only" mentality we have a lot of physiques that would benefit greatly from some more arm isolation. Myself included but I'm working on it
@dawn16 Sure, compounds have their place and benefits but there is no must in bodybuilding. It's not a bad thing if you want big arms, it's just the "I only want big arms" mentality that I would argue yields far less results than "compound only" mentality. But I get it, it's been this way for long time, you only see your chest, abs and arms in the mirror so you want beefy ones (who tf need legs, you can just cover them right?) but then you gain some experience, get to intermediate/advanced level and realize even best shows in the world are won by the back. A great back will even mask your average arms to a pretty good extent but then again, "I can't see my back so who cares".
@kahlenn you don't know his reasons, he may know people that have small everything else and big arms. he literally said he wants big arms in the post, so why are you tryin to convince him otherwise? and synthol looks completely different than real life, that's a godawful example. synthol doesn't look real.
@ebguy Did you read second part of my reply where I answered the question or did you just decide to jump on my dick cause you have nothing better to do?
@kahlenn did you comprehend what i'm saying? idgaf that you gave him some bullshit generic advice, i'm commenting on your "this is why you THINK you want some shit" that you said with the utmost authority. you dont know the guy. just answer the question.
@ebguy Do you know him? What I said is what I see times and times again with younger guys and I work with athletes. It is completely a valid point and since when is increasing volume or reprogramming based on your prios "generic"? You has absolutely nothing of value to add but have the authority to tell me what to say or not, get the fuck outta here degenerate.
@lizlugo51 There are a lot of ways that you could set up an arm specialization, but basically you want to emphasize them by having higher frequency and volume of arm exercises than other body parts. So maybe you're hitting other muscles 1-2x/week and bis/tris 3x. Also choosing multi-joint moves that involve more arms like chins over pullups or close-grip bb bench over db bench could help.
@lizlugo51 What helped me was training them with more frequency (4x a week) and higher volume while trying to bias each part the biceps and triceps have. So for Tri's, I'd mainly focus on the long head with overhead extensions, and for Bi's, I'd spam lots of Hammer Curl variations. It would be best if you also tried to train the arms both with heavy weight/low reps and lower weight/high reps
@dbirdez I started increasing my arms frequency last summer, before that, I was doing regular 2x a week frequency more focused on ''powerbuilding'' so I didn't do too much for arms. I started lifting 2 years ago
@lizlugo51 Do a 6x a week split: Legs, Push/Pull Multi-Joint , Arm Isolations

Multi Joint day hits arms with Bench, Rows, Press etc

Arm Isolation Day hits bis & tris hard with a decent time to recover.
@daveyj85 But if his goal is arms he could run a push pull arms type of program that way he has more frequency in his arms via the push day compounds and pull compunds being separated and negate legs for the time being

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