I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet


New member
Just finished watching The Game Changers and holy shit I'm wanting to try this plant based diet now.

The picture I uploaded shows what I was able to do during a 30 day CUT using a low carb high protein diet whilst eating animal proteins. HOWEVER I literally have no idea if I need to keep my macros the same when I switch over to Vegan/ Plant Based diet.

I was eating 2300 calories: 256 P - 97 C - 94 F. I did a refeed of 300 grams of carbs every 4th day, then went back to 97 c. I did this every day for a month - I also did 30 mins of cardio every single day both morning and night. Worked out 5 days a week.

I am confused as to how exactly to eat vegan while keeping my macros the same as when I was eating non-vegan. I'm just getting started so I dont even know if I need to keep my proteins that high - I only weigh about 180 pounds.

I want to start this diet to mainly see if my internal bloodwork / panel can get fixed. I have messed up Cholesterol, my liver is in bad shape. So watching this documentary has given me hope that I can correct it all.

very excited to see where I can go in terms of my body and physique when eating Vegan now. I'm scared but excited.

Here is my Dexabody scan to show how the month went from a body composition standpoint.

here is the actual diet plan i followed: (the one I need help converting to plant based foods)

@faith11238206 highly recommend checking out the "vegan bodybuilding and nutrition" facebook group. very high quality content there, backed by tons of peer reviewed studies. also very helpful with meal planning.
@maniel But what about micronutrients? If we eat foods with high nutrient density and an inclusive variety there of the macronutrients are automatically taken care of but not vice versa.
@maniel That's still very high protein and fat to the point where gains to athletic performance are questionable at best while they're contributing to a variety of disease, especially if it's the wrong kinds of protein/fat.

75-15-10 (carbs-protein-fat) is safer, easy to hit with a diet based around legumes / wholegrains / fruit and vegetables with a side of some milled flax seeds. Maybe the fat goes over a percent or two, that's still fine.
@kimas I disagree. Have you worked with many patients who are transitioning from an ultra-high protein and low carb diet to a plant based diet?
@kimas I’ve never seen a single person or study on a plant based diet with those macros contributing to insulin problems or liver problems. In fact, often my patients are getting off insulin and metformin while following this and working with a personal trainer. And I see their livers get less fatty on ultrasounds.
@maniel Well based on the studies it would work even better/faster with 80/10/10. The extra 50% protein is an allowance for highly active athletes.
@faith11238206 There are a lot of great YouTube channels run by vegan athletes! Just search vegan athlete and you’ll get a bunch of results. I like Simnett Nutrition a lot. He’s funny and laid back. I’m not an athlete or trying to make sick gains. But I agree with the other comments that you don’t need to worry about carbs so much. One of the points in game changers is that muscles use glycogen for energy, which is where you actually need carbs.
@caleb22 Thanks IWTCB, I'll check out that Simnett Fellow! I feel like I am embarking on an epic quest and I need more vegan knowledge... Man that Game Changers movie on Netflix turned my whole world upside down.
@dawn16 Agreed on following Hench Herbivore as you have a very similar build and similar goals. HH’s back story is fascinating but like most vegan bodybuilders you’ll find they’ve switched to high carb moderate protein diets. HH is also notable for introducing Mr Universe winner Barney Dulpessey (forgive spelling) to a vegan diet, amongst others.

Cutting for HH is around 3000 cals and 180g protein with minimal use of powders and cardio.

Check out also Vegan Physique on YouTube. Rob is amazing to work with and has great practical mea prep content.

Welcome to the club.
@faith11238206 My dad follows a dr on YouTube who claims the healthy low carb diet is best. He does a watch through of the game changers called "real drs watch the game changers" or something to that effect.

TGC turned my life upside down as well but I feel watching the counter view is also helpful, I'm now PB and have been for almost 2 weeks. I feel great but I plan on eating a big juicy steak once a month or so.
@faith11238206 If your cholesterol and liver are fucked up, I recommend looking into r/plantbaseddiet. Many people in that sub have seen massive improvement in their blood panels after switching to whole plant-based foods on a low fat, high carb, moderate protein diet.

You will not be low carb on this diet, nor should you be. If you absolutely feel you need to hit such high protein goals (which many will agree you don't have to), you can supplement with powder.