I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

@christopherv I’m 34 and dropped my total cholesterol from 236 to 170 in just a few months of plant based eating. I was actually pretty shocked by how much my blood results improved overall. I highly recommend trying this way of eating.
@earvin Stories like this are why I don't believe the new claim that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol. I get that this is anecdotal evidence, but that doesn't mean it should be discounted. There are so many stories like yours on that sub.
@christopherv Yeah, everyone has their reasoning for their decision to eat a vegan diet. I have a 2 year old son and don’t want to be on a statin or deal with health issues. I don’t really judge people and their diets, I just don’t want to die younger than I have to 👍
I did find this diet on the web. - it looks like a good start. (Need to eat a bit more on the quantities to get it up to 2300ish. but- my only question is What is Tempeh and What is Seitan. Never heard of these in my life. I googled the recipes but it seems like too much work haha (2 hours prep timeon Seitan?) - isn't there an easier protein source?

Meal 1- Protein pancakes made with:
  • 3 scoops Nuzest Clean Lean Protein
  • 40g oat flour
  • 100g strawberries
Macros: 317 calories, 36g carbs, 4g fat, 37g protein Meal 2/Post Workout - Protein smoothie made with:
  • 2 scoops Nuzest Clean Lean Protein
  • 1 c unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/2 large banana
  • Cocoa powder + stevia to taste
Macros: 178 calories, 17g carbs, 3g fat, 23g protein Meal 3 - Lunch Salad:
  • 5-6 cups salad with lots of colorful non-starchy veggies
  • 1/2 c lentils
  • 2 Tbsp hummus
  • 3 oz seitan
Macros: 430 calories, 55g carbs, 6g fat, 42g protein Meal 4 - Dinner:
  • 4 oz tempeh
  • 2 c broccoli
  • 2 c butternut squash
  • 50g avocado
  • 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast
Macros: 455 calories, 53g carbs, 14g fat, 34g protein Meal 5 - Yogurt Protein Bowl:
  • 6 oz container vanilla soy yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter
  • 1/2 c berries
  • 1 scoop Nuzest Clean Lean Protein
Macros: 420 calories, 38g carbs, 20g fat, 25g protein Daily totals: 1799 calories, 199g carbs, 47g fat, 161g protein
@faith11238206 Tempeh is a (usually) soy-based "block", similar in shape to tofu, but the beans aren't blended. It's a different process and tends to have a ehm... special taste. It's also not always readily available.

Seitan is essentially gluten. You can sometimes buy gluten in stores, or even a piece of seitan. Alternatively you can make yours by washing flour but that takes forever.

Depending where you live, you can probably find both of these in "health stores", vegan shops, asian stores, or bigger supermarkets.
@faith11238206 Tempeh is in many grocery stores, but seitan is pretty easy to make, that prep time probably just includes the ~45mins of simmering it takes :) you can buy vital wheat gluten and add ingredients to it like a meat loaf and simmer, bake, fry it, etc.
@faith11238206 47g of fat is very low. Also lacking in w3. If you eat 4 meals a day, keep it simple. I'll usually have 1 protein shake before working out, 1 tofu/tempeh dish, 1 dish with VWG/grains, and one more dish that rotates on meal prep, so either protein bread, chia bread, burger etc. Incorporate some staples like flax (ground), chia (soaked), walnuts, hemp hearts to increase fat. Berries are a great source of antioxidant. Cruciferous greens, leafy greens, and you have a full day of eating.
@faith11238206 I dont really recommend such macros. It seems very overkill with that amount of protein. Even vegan keto might be easier. Anywho, youd need to have plenty amount of low calorie high protein faux meat. Check morningstar chik strips, Gardein Beef Crumbles, Lightlife Smart deli slices and Uptons seitan products. Most found at Walmart or Target. If you dont mind eating protein powder, Rice or Pea protein powder will do the job. It would be a nice blend.
If you can fit into your macros, lentils are the best low cal high protein legumes I believe.
Best of luck.
Id really commend trying high carb a try though.
@thrall Low carb high carb doesnt matter much. Let's not stray into guruship. Eat enough protein, eat healthy fats, eat legumes, beans, berries, grains, seeds and nuts and the exact macro breakdown is mostly irrelevant.
@debranch Well, that's exactly the issue. Most of what you recommended have a lot of carbs (pulses, fruits, grains, vegetables) that's why I said that.
@faith11238206 The point you may have missed in the movie is that the athletes aren’t doing low carb diets, because we’ve been told a lie that we need these absurd amounts of protein. Anything over 120g for most people is largely superfluous.
@dawn16 This sub is full of misinformation about protein. We really don't build muscle nearly as well in high protein diet as we do in a high carb diet. Don't be fooled by the dairy/meat industry selling you whey powder and trying to equate your eating meat and protein with your masculinity.
@dawn16 Yet any meta study on protein intake recommends 1.6g/kg for bodybuilding/strength training, 1.2g/kg+ for elderly, and a minimum of .8g/kg for average joe.