I need help converting my low carb high protein diet into a vegan diet

@dawn16 I’m sorry, but I can’t stand when other vegans push the idea that we don’t need as much protein. If you’re training like this guy is, you need your damn protein. He needs to be at least eating his body weight in grams of protein. 120 g may be fine for the average person who isn’t training but it’s too low for him. It’s 100% possible to get all of that protein from plants so no need to convince people to eat less protein. I will say though that the amount of protein he’s listed above is probably a little excessive for his body weight. I weigh 235, powerlift, and that’s the amount of protein that I eat
@chriatopher .8/lb is probably the ceiling for maximizing protein synthesis/maintaining lean mass, yes. Another factor that often comes up in the research is that people usually prefer higher protein diets, particularly on a cut. When people want to go with higher intakes (from vegan sources) I don't know why this sub always freaks out about it.
@chriatopher You shoot for 1 gram because it's easier to remember, easier than multiplying by 0.8 or 0.72, and it leaves some room for error if your macros on paper don't match the macros on your plate to the gram.
@donaldzet Then maybe don't come out swinging while citing a crap number, yeah? If simple multiplication is hard for you that's fine, but you told everyone else they were wrong while citing bro science as if it were advice.

Secondly- bullshit. You know damn well that's not why folks say 1g/1lb

Edit: and while we're at it, those of us who can do math know that 130g protein for a 180lb man is fine, so you really don't have any leg to stand on here.
Edit: and while we're at it, those of us who can do math know that 130g protein for a 180lb man is fine, so you really don't have any leg to stand on here.

My leg to stand on is your level of precision is arbitrary. You don't count your macros or your weight to three significant figures anyway, so why are you on a crusade against people who would rather just round 0.72 to about 1 and get on with their day.
@donaldzet This dudes butt blasted over this lol but look at the end of the day I’d rather overshoot my protein intake than walk the line at the minimum intake given there aren’t really any negative side effects to over consuming plant protein
@bsstra7 I don't count my macros to the level of precision that multiplying by 0.72 even makes any kind of sense. I'm shooting for *about* 3500 Calories / day, and I weigh *about* 180 lbs. I'm not adjusting my protein target and my macros because I took a shit and dropped 5 lbs.
@faith11238206 Keto is essentially water loss. There's no point in focusing on low carb, other than fucking up your body.

Aiming for a high-ish amount of protein helps with losing fat, but you're not at a point where it's critical imo. So the same thing applies as to roughly everyone:
- 1.5-2g/kg protein
- ~1g/kg fat (can be higher)
- fill with carbs.
@tery Ah cool. Yeah I wasn't eating Keto though. Just low carb low fat High protein. Where as keto would of been High Fat Medium Protein and low to no carb.
@faith11238206 Ah, oh. Hmm. Not entirely sure what happened then. A low carb diet will lead to water loss. I guess then most of the protein simply got turned into glucose, which is not that great tbh.

Edit: but if you want to do such a diet, tofu and seitan are gonna be your friends.
@faith11238206 If you are looking for a cheap protein source I recommend pea protein from bulksupplements on amazon. About 20 bucks for a kilogram. I have it with almond milk and a banana in the blender and the flavor and consistency is appealing.