I never knew y’all had such an amazing community!


New member
I come from a typical athletic sports and weightlifting background but I turned 50 put on some pudge and I always wanted to join CF and watching the Killing the Fat Man on YouTube fired me up, so I joined the closest box off Yelp to my house. I came in as a prideful rugby player and was humbled real quick working on just form for 3 weeks, ive used more pvc than a plumber and the coolest thing is everyone was genuinely helpful and non judgmental, so my box had a social at a restaurant and I took my wife and the ladies welcomed her and invited her to take a session, they were very convincing. So today my wife went to the partner workout with me and thank god the owners wife teamed up with her. She rowed, box jump overs, wall balls, ring dips and deadlifts. It moved me how kind and inspiring you ladies were to my wife, if you’re one of those types of people I want to say thank you. Because of your random act of kindness could literally change someone’s future. On the way home both of us half dead she says, we’re going on Monday morning right? ❤️
@danielletee Always a great community and with the right coach, it’s hard to beat. Great combo of community and support and encouragement with a dash of competition 😊
@danielletee I'm over 40 with no prior CrossFit experience, just joined up to a local box near me and it has been a fantastic experience thus far. Supportive, welcoming people which is part of why my wife wants to join the box too and I can't wait for her to get the same welcome. The physical results are good too...
@danielletee Part of the magic! “Suffering” together! Like minded people, doing like minded things, helping each other along the way. It’s a thing!! Welcome to the cult, club…I meant club.
@danielletee the biggest part of being in crossfit for me is the people. i have met many friends at my box and i love our community. ive been at the same box i’ve started with and i love going to workout because of the people.