I RX'd(Women's) 2014 Regional Event 4 and almost time capped


New member
Last week I made a post asking which 2014 regional events would you rather do?

A lot of people talked about event 4 either being in their wheelhouse, or too difficult. Since it had the most traction, I decided to do it (women's weight of course). Here are my results - 19:39.

I'm a 33 year old male and have been doing CrossFit since the end of 2011. These women in 2014 were still LEVELS above my fitness today.

*Note - some questionable reps. Hands may have been too wide on the hspu.
@bornagainbrian I was actually in thus regional and this was the first SHSPU standard of its time and it was pure chaos. However Saturdays “50s chipper” was the real beat down.

Great work!
@petrielo Thanks! I was actually at this regional as well, but as a volunteer! I got to watch Spealler make it back to the games, and watching him do this workout at 195# was insane!