I think my nutrition is good but my body doesn't change much


New member
To begin, I'm 20 years old, 6'2",currently 180 lbs and I want to gain weight. I'm currently eating about 3500 calories per day, that includes about 300g of proteins, 300g of carbs and 5g of Creatine. I shit about 4 to 5 times a day and my ass hurts, that's for sure not normal. I also go to the gym about 5 to 6 times per week and do about 6 to 9 different exercises (generally 4 sets of 8 reps with 1 to 1.5 min breaks). I started going to the gym about a year and a half ago and I weighed 150lbs back then. Now, it's been about 4-5 months that it seems I'm stuck weighting between 175 and 180lbs. I don't know much about nutrition except that I need lots of calories, proteins and carbs but I feel that where I'm at, it doesn't do any good and also I'd like to shit less, it's bad. I need advice, what should I do?
@ksimmons4494 You don’t need even close to that much protein. Take it down to 200g and get a hefty serving of veggies with each meal to increase fiber intake. That should improve your digestion issues greatly. Even if 3500 calories is technically a surplus for you, if your bowel movements are as frequent as you say, then there’s no way you’re absorbing all the nutrients from your meals. Improving digestion will greatly enhance this. Also consider going for a 10+ minute walk after each meal to further aid this process.
You don’t need even close to that much protein. Take it down to 200g and get a good serving of veggies with each meal to increase fiber intake. That should improve your digestion issues greatly. Even if 3500 calories is technically a surplus for you, if your bowel movements are as frequent as you say, then there’s no way you’re absorbing all the nutrients from your meals. Improving digestion will greatly enhance this. Also consider going for a 10 minute walk after each meal to further aid this process.

Yeah I admit it's a lot, I was surprised when I calculated it hahaha. Do you think supergreens would be good for this? The walk is a great idea, I'll try it.
@ksimmons4494 Based on what you’ve said about frequent shitting, I’m guessing you have some digestive issues.

Part of that may be caused by your protein intake, bring that down to 200g.

Do you have any idea how much fiber are you eating? Start eating more vegetables and take a fiber supplement like psyllium husk.

I would get your digestion in check before just throwing more calories into an already busted system. Adding food right now is only going to make those issues worse
@comyn7 Thanks for all those advice, I bring down my protein intake. Also I have no idea how much fiber I eat but I wanted to calculate more precisely my nutrition, do you know about how much I should take? For the vegetables, I'll eat more and I'll also buy psyllium husk to try it. To have my digestion checked, do I do this with a doctor or a dietician?
@ksimmons4494 You don’t need to track fiber precisely, add a handful of veggies to 2-3 meals and take about 15g of fiber in the morning.

Another digestion support supplement I use myself and tell clients to use with great success is L-Glutamine, 10-15g per day.

You don’t need to have your digestion checked by a doctor. You will know your digestion has improved when your shits are solid, fairly smooth, and regular. You should also not feel very bloated or gassy after meals.