I think my nutrition is good but my body doesn't change much

@ksimmons4494 Okay. You should eat according to how the scale is moving. If you aren't gaining weight they you're not eating enough. 300g of protein is wild. Bring that down to 200g and eat more vegetables. Honestly, veggies are so important not just for bodybuilding but for general health too.
@ksimmons4494 This and the high protein is likely 100% the problem (cut to ~200 and add some veggies/ calorie dense foods). Most advice recommends a 250-500 calorie surplus daily for bulking to gain .5-1 pound per week.

Your range / margin of error is 500 calories. Get a food scale and measure your ingredients down to the gram and plug that into a calorie tracker like nutritionix to get that error to 100kcal or less. After just a week of accurate measuring you’ll know if you need to add more calories
@ksimmons4494 can we see a breakdown of your calculations? Calorie estimation is almost always a little off, but in your case, we're likely looking at an error band of +-1000 calories which is no more useful of an approximation than just not doing the calculation at all.
@ksimmons4494 You still gotta eat more. Some people have to.
During my 6x a week years I had to eat around 3800 at 185 6'1 just to keep my weight.

Also slow down with the proteins, especially if you have so much calories available (you have to increase the protein intake if you go deeper into a caloric deficit).

170 to 210 is pleeeeenty.

If you have problems with your ass already, try to figure out how much fiber your body needs.

Most people have problems because they eat to less, but especially if you are high in calories, it is possible you eat too much fiber already.
@ksimmons4494 My dude, if you’re shitting 4 - 5 times a day, anything you’re eating is going right through you and your body doesn’t have time to process it. I think you need to get to the source of your frequent bowel movements. Try taking things out of your diet one by one and see which one affects you the most?