I think someone took a video of me at the gym

@gigigirl16 Regardless of what you were or weren’t wearing, you are not “asking for it” unless you literally are asking for it. It is wrong to film anyone without their permission unless it is for a legit legal reason. I’m sorry these guys made you feel uncomfortable.
It is wrong to film anyone without their permission unless it is for a legit legal reason.

What are you talking about? It is perfectly legal to film anyone in a public place without any permission. A gym is a public place. If the gym has a no filming policy then they can request you to not film or ask you to leave as it is a private building (despite still being a public place) but it doesn't make it illegal to film someone.

If you don't like someone filming you in a public place you can do two things. Ask the person politely not to film you, most decent people will oblige, or you can leave.
It is wrong to film anyone without their permission unless it is for a legit legal reason.

Be careful with your verbiage. While I agree it was wrong for this guy to film her, and I understand this isn’t exaclty a public location, it is not illegal to film someone without their permission in a public setting. The Supreme Court has ruled on that. There’s no legit legal reason needed.
@dawn16 Correct. However, not knowing the rules of the gym myself, it’s very possible they have a no filming rule. It may be a public place, but it is private property and if such a rule is part of their contract, then someone could have legal grounds for a case.
@reneecope It may be socially unacceptable but in public spaces it's considered entirely legal to do so, and that includes the gym. Any place where you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy people are allowed to film. So filming in a locker room or bathroom IS illegal, but filming in the rest of a gym is not.

It may be against gym rules though so the gym can kick the person filming out. But it's not illegal and many times you're being filmed in public without realizing it. So definitely check with a gym when signing up that they have rules against filming, otherwise there's really nothing you can do. Basically in places where you can expect other people to be able to see you, people are allowed to record what they saw.
@reneecope And what makes this even suckier is that it sounds like op KNOWS this intellectually and it’s like... even knowing you’re the victim in a situation like this there is still an urge to say this :(

I was being harassed at work and I still didn’t tell my wife about it for weeks because I was wondering if something I was doing was leading the guy on. (Spoiler alert, I wasn’t, he was a harassing piece of shit). Next time some guy gets pissy about getting called out for lousy behavior we should tell him he was asking for it.
@vectra5629 Exactly, thank you.
Before I got any questions, I wanted people to know that I wasn’t trying to draw any extra attention to myself, even though it shouldn’t matter.
@reneecope Exactly! You are never asking for it, regardless of what you’re wearing or where you’re wearing it. And you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable wearing normal gym clothes at the gym. I’m so sorry you had that experience.

I’m kinda nosy and bold. I would’ve gone over and asked to see the amazing flex pic they took.
@gigigirl16 Some dude took a picture of me deadlifting one time. Like the way he angled his phone and touched the screen made it OBVIOUS that he took a picture of me. There was nobody else around and he thought I wasn’t looking at him. It’s was so weird because it’s not like I was doing or wearing anything crazy. I told my bf who was with me at the time and he noticed the dude stares at me the whole time. I kind of just brushed it off because, let’s face it, a skinny dude who wears gloves is the least threatening thing there is. It’s just pathetic. Men are weird and sad.

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