I want to do a PPL X Arnold split but I’m a beginner


New member
So coming Tuesday I can finally start going to the gym. I don’t wanna go on Mondays because I have to be at work at 8 so that’s not gonna work unless I get up at like 4. I want a 6 day split because I love being active, I’m on a time crunch (8 months), plus the PPL X Arnold seems perfect because PPL is already a good split from what I’ve researched but the only problem is the lack of arm focus, but with this hybrid it isn’t an issue. I’m still overweight (~30lb) but I’ve lost a good bit of weight since I started working as a buss boy and cutting back on my calories. My main focus is to build muscle and overall strength.

The problem is that PPL X ARNOLD is a pretty beefy split and not necessarily for beginners, which sucks because of how perfect it is for my situation.

Can I ease into the split over a month or so, and if so, how? Do I HAVE to pick a different split until I’m “broke in” so to speak?

Extra info: 5’ 4” ~173lb. Very active. Already lost ~10lb-15lb in the past couple months. I’m in my late teens.
@jayr Honestly I'd suggest PPLRULR for an extra day of rest. If hitting arms directly is important to you, just give them a proportionally large amount of attention on U day.

One day of rest per week is pretty low for a beginner - my main reason for the suggested change. In fact I'd go so far as to say an even more optimal split for a beginner that wants to utilize an overall programming scheme like this would be to do PPRLRULR and ignore the fact that there are 7 days in a week.

At some point someone decided that splits should be 'confined' to a 7-day cycle because that's what the rest of the world kind of revolves around - a 7 day week. But there's no real reason a split needs to be designed as such.

If you *really* want a day that is almost entirely arm-devoted (Shoulders+Arms in your case) I'd suggest expanding the split out to a 9-day cycle.

Something like P,P,R,L,C+B,R,A+S,L,R

Just my opinion(s) for a relatively new lifter. Good luck bro!