I worked out three times a week for 4 months. Here are my results. [Repost from r/fitness/]


New member
Youtube Video Edit: Just read that I'm allowed to post a video if it's in relation to the transformation, check it out!

Hi Reddit!​

I shared my progress pictures with my family and friends yesterday. I also got nice comments on r/fitness/ that I thought to write about my fitness progress so far in more detail here as I mostly used bodyweight exercises.​


  • Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
  • Age: 16
  • Progress pics
  • Starting weight: 125 lbs. / 57 kg
  • After weight: 152 lbs. / 69 kg

Initial motivation

I always wanted to go to the gym. I was weak and quite underweight. I could only do a few pushups and only one proper pullup. I browsed /r/fitness and /r/bodybuilding a lot but never really got around to it. There was a gym in my town but it was quite expensive €38 per month without a free weight area.


I started off doing bodyweight training only. My town did not have any fitness parks to workout at. Instead I used different school playgrounds as my main workout area. As the exercises became easier I either added weight through a backpack full of boring school books or moved on to a harder progression which you can see below.

Pullups1x3x7 +5kg (+12kg bw)
Dips2x3x10 +8kg (+12kg bw)
Rows3x43x10 one arm incline rows
Pushups3x53x12 +20kg
Squats3x123x8 +10kg single leg squats
Lunges3x85x20 +40kg
Abs30 sec plank3x10 hanging leg raises


[h6]Basic Workout Breakdown:[/h6]

This is a basic example of what my average workout looked like. Some days I'll sub in different exercises, but this will give you a good starting point. For example once I got to 15 reps on pushups for 3 sets I either added weight through a backpack or moved onto diamond pushups.

Pullups 3x5-10Dips 4x5-10Wide Pullups 3x5-10
Dips 3x5-10Chinups 4x5-10Dips 3x5-10
Rows 3x8-15Weighted Pushups 4x5-10Rows 5x8-15
Pushups 3x8-15Pause Rows 4x5-10Pushups 5x8-15
Squats 3x15-20Leg Raises 4x10-15Squat Jumps 3x5
Walking Lunges 3x15-20Hill Sprints 50m x8Lunges 5x15-20

Workout A
Workout B
Workout C


I usually eat whatever I want and I make sure to get enough calories and protein at the end of the day. But I know people on r/fitness always want the full package so below is an example of what my diet looks like on a school day.

Breakfast3 Scrambled eggs, turkey ham, oatmeal and a glass of milk85039
Lunch6 Sandwiches: 2x cheese, 2x PB, 2x ham and a glass of milk105034
DinnerGround beef with potatoes and veggies70030
SnackBowl of quark, a banana and a handful of walnuts40027



I didnt take protein shakes, BCAAs, ZMA, etc. Simply because I could not afford it. The only supplements I have taken daily and will continue to do so are:
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
I feel like that's all I need for now. As my budget increases, I might consider experimenting with taking other supplements.


I know and feel sleep is important. School requires me to get up at 06:30. This is why I am in bed 22:30 Sunday to Friday. I religiously sleep 8 hours at least and about 8.5-9 in the weekend.


I now workout three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I can't remember a moment in my life dedicating to something and being consistent with it before I started fitness.

I also wake up and go to bed at the same time almost every day. Before I would wake up one day at 10 am and go to bed at 2 am.

Last but not least I changed my way of eating from around barely 1300 calories a day to 3000 a day which was necessary for the gainz to be made.


Starting to workout has been the best decision in my life so far. I have changed my habits and I have probably laid a good foundation for the rest of my fitness and life journey. I am feeling much happier and more productive in general.

Training wise I came to the conclusion that weighted work is much easier to program progressive overload allowing you to see more consistent gains. Due my dedication my brother bought me a gym membership. The past weeks I started with barbell squats and deadlifts. I missed out on so much fun leg gainz.

Edit: The reason I did not include straight arm work was because I didn't had not studied it properly and was afraid to injure myself. Now I have read up on the progressions, I will include them in my training. I'd like to achieve a front lever by the end of 2017.
@chrisbmars It's possible you're not old enough yet. I used to think the same thing, like, this was something people with feeble minds do. It's me now and it will be you too one day. In my defense it's something that happens when life speeds up....
@odycakep Just a few days ago I thought I was 28. Nope, still 27. It's weird to lose track of your own age but at least it was in the right direction haha.

When your birthday is at the end of the year rather than in the beginning (mine is October 21st), it's easy to get lost!

Edit: accidentally wrote "21th". I might just be dumb.

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