If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

@integrity31 Every build has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the context. Tall people will have a harder time with strength to weight ratio but they'll be able to move more external load.
@thomaslowrens 6'5", 255 lbs and doing so many more body weight exercises to start the year. I feel like my joints are shot from years of lifting heavy and my goal is 230 lbs. by the summer.
@thomaslowrens When I use to be fat and weak I couldn’t do a push-up it’s a matter of jsut getting your reps and sets in every single day to a challenging point and you’ll
Be able to do it trust me you won’t see your body change but you’ll be stronger
@thomaslowrens Yeah I actually did elevated push-ups on a bed stand it was super high up so I kept doing it for like 2 months maybe,and after that I could do 1 push-up after that 5 sets 1 push-ups and like 7 dead sets