I'm looking to get in better shape, I'm looking to get all the advice I can get


New member
I'm 17 y/o male, weigh 127 kg (281 lbs), 184 cm tall (6'1"). I'd say that I'm lean more towards a round shape but am a little muscular. I'm looking to get more big than ripped. So ant advice would be appreciated
@nicole_x I would focus on getting lots of quality calories, lots of whole foods and veggies. I would also lift weights 4-5 times a week with a mix of bodybuilding and powerlifting style. Bodybuilding being with weight you can handle for 8-10 reps, and powerlifting being 3-5 reps with a heavier weight. Also, cardio a few times a week is always good to keep your heart healthy. I have a YouTube channel with lots of healthy recipes if you would like the link to it. Good luck on meeting your goals, being healthy helps us all feel better each day!