I'm not fat, I just live in the u.s. (iykyk)

@loveyhwh My job schedule and getting sick. I've been sick about 2 or three times this year and I had to work two weeks on nights for 4 weeks. Then mix in some vacation time in March and April.

I also work every other weekend doing long hours. It just recently changed again so for the past three weekends I was working Saturdays.

Also I haven't ate the best; i should say my portion size and being a bit carelesss.
so once again. I'm more hopeful though I love running outdoors and the weather's getting nice .

I'm also looking at my eating habits as well
@djj1973 Hope you get a stretch of good health in the near future. If you're overworked, the stress might make weight loss harder. Make sure to take care of your rest, not just your goals here :)

I changed very little about my diet and just started cutting my portions and eating more slowly. Added in walks and more gentle activity. It took about two weeks for my body to adjust but I'm losing weight consistently.

It's all small changes. You can do this!
@djj1973 There are some seasons of our life where we aren’t ready to enter a fat loss phase because we already have too much on our plates or enough stress to deal with as is. Wishing you better luck this time around!
@djj1973 I was in the US for 2 weeks and spent every day walking, I didn’t even eat that much and I stayed the same weight. I also remember being a lot more hungry. In contrast I went to Japan, walked the same amount and lost about 4kg in 2 weeks, and I was satisfied and rarely hungry.
@jamieredheaduk I wasn't trying to be rude about it!

I honestly think living here makes you prone to being overweight given the food, typical non walkable lifestyle and work schedule!!
@djj1973 It is the truth. Some people will never accept that the USA is not the greatest nation to ever exist. A government that poisons us on every level from the physical to the spiritual to keep up dumb, fat, depressed and poor.
@djj1973 It’s extremely difficult for a lot of people to do, but you need to take matters into your own hands. I see a lot of people here talking about how healthy marketed food isn’t really healthy and they make the portion sizes too big for us. Well, you don’t have to eat it, and you don’t have to believe them when they say it’s healthy. I know it’s not easy because we’re human and obviously prone to marketing and more convenient choices and just doing what everyone else does, but society isn’t just going to fix any of this due to corruption, corporate greed, and most people also don’t care if they’re obese. So it’s on you, yes, the food environment is complete garbage and the government doesn’t want you to be healthy, but you know what, fuck them. You can do what you want with your body. You have the power of free will. It isn’t absolute, but it’s there. Eat unprocessed foods (if you can’t find that food in nature in that form, it’s processed. Bread is processed. Pure Canned tomatoes is fined. Tomatoes are in nature and the canning just heats it up.) and participate in physical activity you enjoy. For 99% of people, if you do these two things, you WILL lose weight. It’s not your fault it’s like this, but it’s your own responsibility. You can do it! I believe in you :)
Also, the fact you’ve tried so many times means you’re not a quitter, so I applaud that. Wishing you the best luck and health!
@austinrnewton Thank you! I also have to keep this in mind when I'm being a bit hard on myself.

Honestly, I do feel bad for letting myself get this heavy and staying this heavy. When there's people out there with more on their plate and they're fit.

I'm trying to be mindful and grateful 🙏

This time around will be different. My portion sizes are huge even if it his "healthy" this time around will be different.

Thanks for the kind words
@djj1973 Idk if im losing weight but i "look better" lately and even had someone ask if i lost weight. The thing is, im not on an "attempt" right now. But i have done a few things that might be contributing...

First, context is im 5'2" and approx 130lb and in mid 30s. I have some areas to lose mostly stomach. (But i have really come to enjoy my body lately...) I do live in a city thats very walkable but i stay at home a lot. I do not workout but i was athletic ish in high school especially around cardio (swimming, walking). 8 years ago i had a personal trainer and learned a little weight lifting but i dont like it. Even though im pretty sedentary, i can also go for a 7 mile walk whenever. Living downtown and walking to bars or restaurants made me used to walking distances so i park far away in parking lots. On many "attempts" i worked out, or i just did cardio, or i focused on calorie counting etc. I never really saw results but i think they did happen, like i maintained or a built muscle but numbers didnt change. During covid i walked 4 miles a day for several months and again, people had asked if i lost weight.

Okay so what is happening now?
- i regulated my sleep
- i eat healthier out of desire but its tasty
- i have energy and desire to do movement i want to vs forcing the gym etc

I basically been optimizing for everything in my life to be about long term investment and fulfillment. Im trying to listen to my body and feel good. Im a night owl but i go to bed around same time. I set a bed time. But also i change my thinking around how lucky i am to go to bed and enioy bed. Why not go to bed at 9? Or 10? Whatever. I think its helped me a lot with metabolism.

I love hospitality and cuisine. I started to appreciate quality ingredients and decided i can level up my already decent skills and crave food that makes me feel good. I have an obsession with soups for lunch now that make me feel so full. I use an instant pot for its pressure cooker and an immersion blender and i have meal prep of food i crave more than out food. My friends and family tried my asparagus soup and its the best they ever had. I can eat it everyday and not be sick of it. That and another hearty dish i call slop with lentils and ancient grains rice medley and chicken and veg. I feel so nourished. I am not over eating. I am on my own just feeling full sooner and less enthused about "bad" things like frozen pizza or food out. I still eat them just way less.

I do not go to the gym to torture myself. I enioy going usually for the the Jacuzzi. So what? I have been changing my mind around running. Ive been running and walking to the harbor and then to the gym and going straight to the jacuzzi.

Ive been seeing a physical therapist to help me with achey back stuff, its working.

Im taking care of myself and appreciating this body and how it can move when i want it to. Ive been trying to give it better food that is tastey af but still good for me and not too much.

When i calorie counted it was too much overhead and meta thinking about this stuff. It sort of confirms and corroborates with the internal thinking i had around my body and the urgency for it to be something else. I dont care now if it takes 5 years or it never happens. I feel good investing in myself. People want my recipes, want to go for walks with me, want to go to bed earlier and wake up same time.. as you get older you have more appreciation for slowness.

Anyway everyone is different. I felt compelled to share bc there's peace in my process these days and i resonated with the language around "attempts". The more you do macro level thinking about investment and nourishment and fulfillment and what you enjoy, truly, and not indulgence and disgust and comparison etc the more it becomes part of life and peace to take care of you how you truly need and less of an attempt/failure system. It helps with the "why" you do things, in a way future you wont be disappointed for taking for granted your amazing capable body.