Incline walking- how much should I be doing?

@godsgraceisenough2013 I do in incline 12 at 6km/Hr for 20 minutes as a bolt-on to my lifting class. I hate cardio but this gets the job done efficiently, especially as I’m already at the gym to do it. Otherwise, I prefer to power walk outside in nature
@godsgraceisenough2013 I rarely bump it above 10. I actually prefer 5 at a 3.5-3.7. I change it up based on how I'm feeling that day and just pay attention to my HR. A good fat burning zone seems to be at around 140bpm so I adjust the Incline and/or speed accordingly to keep it in the sweet spot.

Sounds like you're off to a great start. Keep it up!
  1. some people recommend 12-15 not because it’s easy! it’s probably challenging for them too
  2. you’re a self-professed super beginner. probably some of those people are not. don’t worry about it too much :)
@godsgraceisenough2013 Your rate of weight loss is going to be proportional to the size of your caloric deficit. So really, you can walk as much or as little as you'd like, as long as you're setting an appropriate calorie target for yourself.
@godsgraceisenough2013 I think the incline and speed depend on your height and fitness level. What you’re doing sounds absolutely fine to me, but don’t be afraid to try out a slower incline to start and see how you feel with that.

I wouldn’t overthink it, just do what feels manageable while still giving you a good sweat and getting your heart rate up. If it gets boring, too easy, or is too difficult one day, just switch it up a little. I think you’re doing great 😊
@godsgraceisenough2013 Does your treadmill have interval settings? Changing up every 5-8 mins may be more effective than just straight incline for 30. Mine does a setting for it, and I have always felt that works better, and just as I'm dying, it calms for a moment. Then back to toughness.
@godsgraceisenough2013 I tend to become very adhd acting when on the treadmill. I can walk for miles outside, but not on a machine. So I played with all the programs when I found that one. It changes just often enough to not give me the boredom factor. And yes, I have tried watching TV or listening to music. My brain just hates the treadmill.