Increasing to 10RM

@youngman4god 6-7 is a good number to build up strength. You can go DFW like one allready remomended or you could just Clean&Press in sets of 5 for a few weeks. I would say after 2-3 weeks you should be at 10RM.

My approach would look like this.

Week 1: C&P 5reps 10 sets. At least 5 Min rest between sets. 3-4 times a week.

Week 2: Exactly like Week 1

Week 3: Like week one but shorten the Rest to 2-3 mnutes.

If this is not enough you could go on and shorten the rest the following weeks.
@youngman4god Maybe use the General Gainz progression (check it out over at r/gzcl).

Basically every workout you would work up to your RM (let's say a 6RM). You then do 4 to 6 sets with half the volume (4-6x3). When you reach the 6 back-off sets you can use 3/4 of the RM (so 4-6x5). After reaching the goal of 6x5, you push your RM, and start over with a new one.