Intermediate full body routine for hypertrophy


New member
Hello everyone,

I want to hear thoughts on a rather uncomplicated routine I could stick by. My idea is a full body split since I prefer to go 3 times per week. I want to primarily focus on hypertrophy, definition and lose some stubborn mid section fat. For context, I'm a 31 y/o guy, 184 cm (6"), hovering around 80 kg (176 lbs), approx. 15-20% BF, have been learning to lift for two months with adjusted nutrition and focus on my protein intake.

Day 1
  1. Squats / Leg press 3 x 12
  2. DB Shoulder press 3 x 12
  3. Cable rows 3 x 12
  4. Bench press / Chest press machine 3 x 12
  5. Hammer curls 3 x 12
  6. Cable / Machine crunches 3 x 15
Cardio - Incline walk 15 min

Day 2
  1. Deadlifts / RDLs 3 x 12
  2. Lateral raises 3 x 12
  3. Assisted pull-ups / Lat pulldowns 3 x 12
  4. Incline press 3 x 12
  5. Leg curls 3 x 12
  6. Hanging leg raises 3 x 12
Cardio - Incline walk 15 min

Day 3
  1. Standing calf raise machine 3 x 12
  2. Cable rows 3 x 12
  3. DB flyes 3 x 12
  4. Preacher curls 3 x 12
  5. Tricep pushdowns 3 x 12
  6. Reverse crunches 3 x 15
Cardio - Incline walk 15 min
@malkah18 3rd day doesn't seem to have any big movements, it's just little isolation. I think for full body it's good to have a push, a pull and a leg movement every session (compounds).
@malkah18 Checks the boxes of squat, deads, OHP, pullups, bench, row.

Third day is uninspired. Heh, there's a phrase. No leg nor push on the third day.

This'll work until you get bored.
@malkah18 Seems reasonable as long as you're training with the requisite intensity (failure/near failure). I would add a set of lunges or bulgarian split squats to day 3.

People are also going to harp on your use of the term intermediate, just FYI.
@malkah18 Some thoughts about your program:
  1. Looks like a lot of exercises. You might drop out. I would cut some.
  2. I would move your bench to your 3rd day. Possibly add a 4th day, starting with shoulder press. But that's just me.
  3. Pound the same muscle group on the same day. You have the right idea by pairing RDLs with Leg Curls. Do it for the rest (ex. pair Shoulder press with lateral raises, bench press with DB Flyes and tricep pushdowns). Exhaust those same muscles in a day.
  4. Add a leg extension exercises. You won't hit one of the muscles in the quads as much with just the squat (Rectus Femoris).
  5. I would cut similar movements and pick between one of them, ex hammer curls vs. preacher curls. More time with the same movement means you get more practice and can push the intensity more. Higher intensity equals more potential growth.
  6. Be sure to eat enough to cover your cardio as well. Most people forget to eat for their cardio. This is where the idea that cardio kills gains comes from, because you have to eat more than someone who skips cardio.