Hello everyone,
I want to hear thoughts on a rather uncomplicated routine I could stick by. My idea is a full body split since I prefer to go 3 times per week. I want to primarily focus on hypertrophy, definition and lose some stubborn mid section fat. For context, I'm a 31 y/o guy, 184 cm (6"), hovering around 80 kg (176 lbs), approx. 15-20% BF, have been learning to lift for two months with adjusted nutrition and focus on my protein intake.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
I want to hear thoughts on a rather uncomplicated routine I could stick by. My idea is a full body split since I prefer to go 3 times per week. I want to primarily focus on hypertrophy, definition and lose some stubborn mid section fat. For context, I'm a 31 y/o guy, 184 cm (6"), hovering around 80 kg (176 lbs), approx. 15-20% BF, have been learning to lift for two months with adjusted nutrition and focus on my protein intake.
Day 1
- Squats / Leg press 3 x 12
- DB Shoulder press 3 x 12
- Cable rows 3 x 12
- Bench press / Chest press machine 3 x 12
- Hammer curls 3 x 12
- Cable / Machine crunches 3 x 15
Day 2
- Deadlifts / RDLs 3 x 12
- Lateral raises 3 x 12
- Assisted pull-ups / Lat pulldowns 3 x 12
- Incline press 3 x 12
- Leg curls 3 x 12
- Hanging leg raises 3 x 12
Day 3
- Standing calf raise machine 3 x 12
- Cable rows 3 x 12
- DB flyes 3 x 12
- Preacher curls 3 x 12
- Tricep pushdowns 3 x 12
- Reverse crunches 3 x 15