International Functional Fitness Federation 'Reach For The Rings' documentary extended trailer

@space769 i recall opt from the early days. the man seemed rather dumb to me. i mean actually low IQ dumb. in later days, what struck me about opt was how his athletes seemed to cheat in the open...stuff like using 5lb weights for barbell burpees.

and of course there is opt and his training partner coming up with butterfly pullups. that was his way of gaming the system. and this has set crossfit back to this day. the general fitness community scoffs at crossfit to this day largely because of this.
@dom77 I went to an event he held in San Diego back in 2011. He just took Poliquin terms, CrossFit terms and used a different, more complex language to describe things we already knew. He made things overly complicated and like a cult leader, only he had the answers. And he charged huge amounts of money for his CcP systems. Back then, he wanted to create a competitor to the games. He’s jumped on every other bandwagon, grid, this lame thing that looks like regionals light...whatever. Bergeron stole his act too.
@dom77 What "early days"? What's the early days to you? I need some context to help make up my mind if your perspective is valid or not.

You seem rather dumb, going onto on open forum on the internet to run your mind in a negative way about another man behind his back. That's some dirty, cowardly, you-wouldn't-do-it-on-the-street type shit.

Didn't your grandmother ever tell you not to say bad things about people?

IQ is a myth. I scored a higher IQ than Einstein or Stephen Hawking: 165. Does that make me better than anybody? NO. Does that make me more important or successful or capable or lucky than those guys? No. Watching someone talking about someone else's IQ is a good way to actually see them lose intelligence points right in front of your eyes.

A sport is a sport. CrossFit as skill or as a martial art is Dave Werner's thing, it's not Dave Castro's thing. Dave Castro set up a system that was about points and maximizing advantage, efficiency, pure work-capacity performance. "Cheating" in the Open is how the game is played. Some people cheat with PUDs, or faking submissions. I saw plenty of people cheat in the Open at all sorts of CrossFit affiliates, but they weren't winning. A top athlete actually gaming the system slightly might make the difference between a top-20 and a top-100 or top-500 finish. Every little advantage counts. You don't make accusations like that against the Olympic sports or professional team sports, like the NFL, do you? "Their guys always cheat in the Super Bowl."

Who invented the CrossFit burpee? Who first did the box jump-overs without straightening their legs at the top? Who decided to use American swings over Russian swings? Who first advocated swing-kip pull-ups? Gaming the system IS the system.

"Set CrossFit back" doesn't even make sense as a statement. Set it back from where? The general fitness community scoffs at CrossFit for whatever they want to. Some of it is justified and some of it isn't. Just go workout bro and quit hating on people online. That ain't fitness.
@dom77 This is my film man. Whatever "white knighting" is, I'll do it for you all day. I hope to bring a tear to your eyes, too. I am super passionate about this.

I directed this film, I wrote it, I produced it, in partnership with the International Functional Fitness Federation. I edited the thing. I put a lot of my time, my energy, and my self into this thing.

I don't want to see it posted on some web forum that I've never been to, then go check it out just to find out that people are talking trash about one of the interview subjects in my movie. No one is going to co-opt the conversation about my movie into a character attack on a friend of mine.

Watch my movie and trash on it too, if you want to, that would be more acceptable to me.
@space769 OPT was the first CrossFit Games winner. He was the best of the .com, message board athletes back in the day. He coached other athletes and contributed a ton to the development of the sport. He is also a great coach. He coached tons of coaches and gym owners from the earliest days. Still does.

LOTS of people at CrossFit have listened to him, for the past 17 years. OPT has a huge contribution to make to the world of health & fitness, and to physical culture and coaching culture in general. He's a brilliant dude who practices what he preaches and I'd put him on a much higher pedestal than Greg Glassman, or whoever your ideal is, whoever you are.

I was one of the first 100 CrossFitters way back in 2003, and I have seen everything this little subculture could produce and transform itself into. Trust me, FITNESS is a much bigger thing than CrossFit. CrossFit was cool, maybe it still is for some people, maybe it isn't. That's just a part of the conversation around fitness, or health, wellness, or all of it. Stop being an internet troll and go handle your life.
@oorah1588 Yeah, there are some trolls that can't get past the plate diameter thing.

Also the 20 years of CrossFit media indoctrinated a lot of people – even if they hate parts of it – that the branded CrossFit world is the standard.
@grace4nan The movie is about the International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) World Championships in 2019 in Malmo, Sweden, and their quest to make Functional Fitness an Olympic sport.
@grace4nan Here's the original trailer:

Here's the IMDB page:

Reach For The Rings

Who has what it takes to be the champion?

Every year, the top Functional Fitness athletes in the world converge on one place to crown their World Champions. Can the USA team make a comeback to sweep the podium in 2019?

Available for iTunes pre-sale NOW in the USA & Canada:

Coming to all cable & digital VOD platforms on May 25th.
@grace4nan Talking about the history of Fitness competitions and the beginnings of the sport at CrossFit North in the early 2000s, then about how this film came together and what the film is all about. On The Functional Times podcast.

TFT Podcast #43