Interview with Dr Stefi Cohen (Tim Ferris Podcast)


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Dr Stefi Cohen is a guest on Tim Ferris' podcast this week. For people who don't know her, she a world record power lifter and has a doctorate in physical therapy. She's pretty active on social media and has also written a book on back pain that is currently available through pre-order.

The interview talks about training, injury prevention, and managing pain. She knows her shit so it's a really fun listen. Highly recommend.
@placed_son Instagram fitness influencer??? Aiyaaa don’t do Stefi like that! 😩😩😩😩😩 She’s a 25 time world record holder and co-owner of Hybrid Performance Method.
@dreis She's amazing! I follow a lot of cyclists who compete on an international level and some of them try to sell stuff and some don't; I unfollow as soon as I feel like I'm being sold to.. Stefi sells things sometimes but I stay because she's amazing. Hard for me to tell the difference between "influencer" and "real inspirational world class athlete" sometimes.
@placed_son I wouldn't consider stefi an influencer. she's an educator, a trainer and a badass athlete. she's even said herself she doesn't identify with the influencer label.
@rileyargo That makes sense. It definitely doesn't have the same flavor. I love following athletes who compete on that level. Not sure where the line is drawn between influencers and athletes?
@placed_son Im not super well versed on other fitsta people but I like Stefi Cohen. She's super sensible on top of being badass (and really cares about being evidence based).