Introducing r/xxLoseit!


New member
Hello ladies!

I'm a mod over at r/xxloseit. The sub has just relaunched after a long period of stagnation and we are super excited to bring it back to life!

With permission from the mods of r/xxfitness I'm making this post to invite anyone who is looking to lose weight, no matter what stage of your weight loss journey you're on, to come join us at r/xxloseit.

Today's Weekly Feature Post is called Self Promo Sunday, we would love to hear about you, your journey, your struggles, and you can connect with other women on the path to weight loss.

We also have Featured posts for every day of the week (except Thursday, but open to suggestions). The community is just starting back up so you can help be a part of building it together!

Hope to see you soon!
@giggi I'm excited for this! r/loseit seems so big and I never feel like I can find people to relate to as I'm looking to lose 20ish pounds (that I regained). Between this sub and that one, I'm ready to get back to my best self!!
@giggi Will r/xxloseit be femme/feminine-identified nonbinary friendly? Asking because the current description only mentions women, unlike the r/xxfitness description.
@kindofb1ue I updated it!

It was actually the original description from 6 years ago when the sub was created so it was long overdue for an update anyways.
@giggi Great!

Question, is this sub going to support or promote 1200 calorie diets ? The loseit sub seems to be big on these, and I’m not a fan.
@gpanda Yikes, that seems low. I'm 23, 5'4", ~50kg, low exercise (I lurk, mainly focusing on getting my diet into a better place) and apparently my maintenance should be 1,400. 1,200 sounds... Grim...
@gpanda Hmmm I'm not sure to what extent promotion goes.

So far, a few users asked to have r/1200isplenty added to the Related Subreddits section in the sidebar so I added it there.

I don't think we would actively promote any single diet over others. But at the same time, if there are posts about 1200 calorie diets, we wouldn't delete them either.

1200 cals may work for some but personally I did try it and it really wasn't for me.

Actually, I'd love to hear any ideas on how you think we could reconcile this!
@giggi I am a fan of 1200, (I actually do 1300-1400) that combined with keto at the beginning was a lifesaver for me. It really helped me figure out food and how much I had been eating and when and where and why. I for the first time started really paying attention to those numbers. It's not for everyone, neither is keto, or power lifting, or cardio, or yoga, etc....I don't see a problem with keeping it as a related sub though. You aren't saying 'this is the one and only way to do things' you are simply saying that there is yet another community on reddit that supports people in weight loss and might be worth checking out.
@flylights Agreed on all points. And I didnt see loseit promoting 1200 exclusively at all. There are tons of IF and Keto-ers there! And the sidebar instructions are about calculating TDEE not a set arbitrary number of calories.
@flylights Not that I think it shouldn't be related but the issue with 1200 is that the number itself is only appropriate long term for quite short people. I like the 1200isplenty sub because of the theoretical ideas behind it, but 1200 is not actually plenty for most people. Some people seem to take that number very literally when it's an arbitrary amount.
@flylights I also think it’s great for meal ideas even if eating over 1200cal - especially if wanting to have multiple small meals over the course of the day.

I personally aim for 1700-1800, but like to keep individual meals between 300-500 because I prefer to eat more frequently.
@dawn16 It's also helpful because there are wayyyyyy more posts and active users than the other specific calorie-counting subs.

There are, as you said, no shortage of ideas posted there for people who want small meals or snacks but are aiming for higher calories, but there are also a lot of posts on that sub where people also do the intermediate fasting thing, or have just one small meal and save up for a larger one. So there are plenty of meals that I see posted each day that come in above 500cal (or more.) Some of them are clearly unhealthy ideas and should be avoided (I've seen posts of people using all the calories on a fast food meal,) but most of those don't get a great response. Far more common is seeing people save up for 600-700cal meals that include a beer or alcoholic drink, which is helpful for most people doing higher calorie counts.

They also have great suggestions for fast food, chain restaurants, surprisingly low-calorie grocery store options, tips on how to cook things that some people might be unfamiliar with so that they taste good and are healthy, and either prepared or frozen meals from chain grocery stores. Not everyone has the time to cook all of their healthy meals from scratch (or even know how,) and most people occasionally have to either grab fast food or chose to socialize at a restaurant.