Is 22 eggs a day too much? Trying to cut quickly


New member
34(in 2 weeks) y/o male, 5'9, 226 pounds

Topic. I want to do low carb/keto for the next 2 weeks... and possibly eat only 22 large eggs a day and veggies
@conroy01 Just calculate a reasonable deficit, keep your protein high, and weigh train. 22 eggs is like 130 grams of protein, which, depending on your total deficit, is likely less than ideal.
@conroy01 Likely more than 2000 per day at your age, height and weight. You can start at 2000, see how fast you lose the weight, and then increase or decrease calories by 100 calories daily. The goal for weight loss is to do what is going to be able to be done on a consistent basis. Keto is very restrictive which is why a lot of individuals fail at that particular diet. If you like carbs then cutting carbs is likely not going to be the fix you want.
At the end of the day all weight loss comes down to eating at a caloric deficit. If eating keto helps you get to and maintain a caloric deficit then go for it, but I can assure you it will likely be miserable and will increase your chances of rebounding the weight.. especially so if you’re just trying to diet for 2 weeks. 2 weeks is not enough time to lose fat mass. You will likely lose subcutaneous water weight and then put it right back on once you begin eating regular again.
@conroy01 The first few weeks of a diet generally show higher weight loss per week, but beyond the first few weeks a weight loss of 2 lbs per week is actually substantial progress (1,000 calorie deficit per day). You can't really plan the amount you want to lose without knowing what your maintenance is (at least a close estimate).

Eating only veggies and 22 eggs a day, you'd probably lose weight for awhile. I've used repetitive, easy and planned foods to diet on in the past. I'll probably do it again in the future. Screw the haters, if 22 eggs a day is what it takes to lose weight have at it!
@conroy01 The eggs themselves aren’t a problem but if it’s your only protein source it’s not going to be enough for your daily target of protein. So you’ll need some meat or Greek yogurt or cottage cheese or something to get about 50 more grams
@conroy01 Jesus man, not only is it a dumb diet in general but then you hate the food to start with? Absolutely throw this idea in the trash and start over. Eat a healthy diet of lean protein sources and vegetables. Track your calories and weight and find out what your maintenance is and adjust as you go.