is fast metabolism really a myth?

@londonmum People really don't understand this basic concept. I guarantee you his wife eats a normal average of calories for someone her size over the course of a week. Unless she's insanely active or something.
@rumiakthar Yes, it really is a myth. I think body type and trends has a lot more to do with what we perceive as fat. My mom and I are both the same height and roughly the same weight, but when she was my age, people perceived her as way fatter because I store so much more of it in my thighs and butt while she always stored it in the gut and boobs. They were really mean to her :(

But because people don't perceive me as fat, even though I am definitely a bit chubby right now, people tend to think I can "eat whatever I want" or have a high metabolism. But I still have increased health problems, like I have a thing that bothers me in my leg way more since I'm chunky!
@rumiakthar It’s not a myth but it’s not some magical thing you just happen to be born with. People with a high metabolism are generally people with a shit tonne of muscle because maintaining muscle takes a lot of calories. The bigger you are and the more muscle you have, the higher your TDEE.

The thing to remember is that the majority of people who are “naturally thin” just really don’t eat that much. They might eat comparatively large meals but it’s balanced out: that huge plate of fries might be the only thing they’ve eaten all day. In that sense “high metabolism” is a myth
@rumiakthar One more thing that no one mentioned for some reason: people have different appetites. Hunger and satiety cues are highly dependent on hormones and psychological factors. Some people forget to eat, while others constantly think about food. This isn't exactly about metabolism, but I think it's a huge factor determining how easily someone is able to lose, gain, or maintain weight. Usually the ones who forget to eat overestimate how much they eat (because once they remember to eat, they eat a large portion, but their daily total can still be low), and the ones constantly thinking about food underestimate (because they tend to snack all the time).
@rumiakthar One more thing that no one mentioned for some reason: people have different appetites. Hunger and satiety cues are highly dependent on hormones and psychological factors. Some people forget to eat, while others constantly think about food. This isn't exactly about metabolism, but I think it's a huge factor determining how easily someone is able to lose, gain, or maintain weight. Usually the ones who forget to eat overestimate how much they eat (because once they remember to eat, they eat a large portion, but their daily total can still be low), and the ones constantly thinking about food underestimate (because they tend to snack all the time).
@rumiakthar To answer your question in your title, it is not a myth. Our metabolism can change through countless factors like diet, sleep, drugs, age, genetics, physical activity, stress, body composition, sexual intercourse and probably many more.

What is absolute bollocks is people saying their metabolism is the cause of their dietary failure. Either you have Hyperthyroidism or you are talking out of your ass. Thats basically it.

But people have been saying bullshit for thousands of years, so it does not surprise me at all.
@rumiakthar For the most part, yes. there are some minor differences from person to person, with the general swings being somewhere in the 1-200 calorie range, mostly based on NEAT aka the person is a pacer or a fidgeter. On a day to day basis that much of a swing doesn't really matter, though in aggregate it does add up.

The real variable is actually appetite. The people with a "fast metabolism" you see likely just eat less overall and aren't as hungry. When you catch them chowing down on a double baconwich or having 3-4 slices of pizza in one sitting, it's very likely that that's the only meal that person is eating that day.
@rumiakthar I used to believe this about myself, but when I was uneducated about diet and exercise. I used to be really slim in school and everyone said it was my dad’s genes. But I lived on top of a hill and used to walk to school and back every day 30 minutes. It was always a hard walk, no matter how much I did it for the 5 years I was in high school. On top of, living with a family who suffered financially. No fizzy pop in the house, no snacks. Just a meal at the beginning, middle and end of the day. I was always hungry at school, scavenging off my friends. It was how little calories I had and the exercise. Now I’m bigger because I don’t have that anymore.
@rumiakthar So then why do some people put on weight more easily than others? I eat a lot and unfortunately don't exercise either and stay thin. Even on holiday when I'm eating exorbitantly. I have friends who gain weight easily doing the same thing. If it's a myth then how can this be explained?
@rumiakthar i have tried literally everything to gain weight and i’ll gain maybe 5 pounds and then get constipated and then drop it all again. it’s very annoying and people accuse me of being anorexic and tell me to list things i eat and it’s just annoying and rude. you cannot please anyone no matter what so i stopped caring and just eat whatever whenever. i don’t care anymore but now i’m wanting to build muscle so i can have a little bit of meat
@rumiakthar i have been eating more than enough my entire life i have a binge problem but not enough obviously where i gain weight its fucking annoying it really is. i’m gonna try the muscle building thing and then maybe come back w an update.
@rumiakthar What you don’t hear about is absorption rate. You may consume 2400 calories but a compromised gastrointestinal track will mean you need to eat 3000 or 3500 calories to derive what others get from 2400 calories
@rumiakthar There are people with "fast" metabolism, but it's a difference of like 100 calories at most. You might be able to get away with half a cookie at most. It's a myth and largely over exaggerated. You can increase your metabolism with increased muscle mass, but it's also not a significant increase, and again, at most you'll probably be able to get away with an extra oreo.

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