Is it just me or do we get ignored at parties/bars because we’re short? like people can’t see or notice us in the crowd

@woollybear Yes! I’m 5’3” and will always wear some kind of shoe that can give me a couple of inches. I also make sure I stand up very straight and command a presence. But I have very thick blonde hair, I swear that makes up for the height as it gets me seen a little more. My husband is always so confused as to the way I am so aggressive walking through crowds.
@woollybear Honestly I feel the exact opposite. If anything, it’s annoying getting hit on and fetishized constantly for being short, thin, and young looking.
@woollybear I’m 5’1 and I’m basically invisible. People would say hi to my partner and ignore me. I’ve pointed it out and he didn’t believe me until it happened many times in front of him. He says that I’m too quiet. I said I could probably rob a bank and no one would notice. Haha!

I’ve come to the point where I know people don’t see me like say walking on a footpath. I would completely walk off it for people coming from the opposite direction. People would move to the side when I’m with my partner but not for me. Just dead straight.

Then I thought to myself I don’t think it’s my height, it’s probably my face. My face is not a memorable type of face and I think it gives the vibe “I don’t want to talk.” Damn these dark circles!
@woollybear I frequently get ignored. I was taking fitness classes a few months ago and one of the instructors was taking the roster. She looked directly at me multiple times and then goes "who am I missing? There's still one person not accounted for". That and queueing at pubs when they're busy are the worst.
@woollybear I am 5’4” I don’t feel this way often but i have on occasion. And one night I went to a house party and the girls there were all like 5’9” and up and then there was me. Then I felt insecure asf lol not their fault tho
@woollybear This is probably why dancing on a table became a thing. Coyote Ugly is one of my STBXs favorite movies I always thought it was kind of gross but I can relate now that I’m older. One of my favorite singers Kate Micucci puts the struggle in her music.
@woollybear I don’t relate but I’m 5’1 and don’t know how tall you are! Maybe you just look a lot younger than you are? Could also be that you give off RBF or vibes that you don’t want to be approached?