Is it worthwhile upgrading?


New member
Hi folks, I am thinking about buying a pair of e-coat bells from Rogue. People here seem to really like them.

I have a few of these vinyl coated bells and I’ve made good use of them:

But I don’t have a matched pair yet; I’m intrigued by the idea of buying a pair of Rogue bells and putting them under the tree for myself this Christmas. Do you think I will notice a real difference? I’d welcome your thoughts… enable me or tell me what I have now is fine or…? Thanks in advance.
@giddyg I went from a set of cast irons, (35s, 45s), which I put to good use before I decided to reward myself with a set of adjustable competition bells. The lifts have gotten much more balanced with having two bells with equal windows and handles, I don’t know how I used to lift with two awkward shaped bells before but it led to some bad habits. Just my two cents.
@sweetsunday Yes I’ve been using two of a 30/40/50 lb trio and switching hands between sets. Was thinking I would grab a pair of 20 kg bells, for starters, then maybe 24s next year. Thanks for replying!
@giddyg I’m anal enough to strongly prefer a matched set. I dunno about you.

You can always gift the old one to someone. My buddy who started with 2 reps on the press at 16kg just bought a 32. I didn’t even have to goad him into it. Or try and sell it.
@giddyg If you’ll use them and can afford it, do it. I really like having the same type/brand for my doubles. I had a mismatched pair of 24 kg and found it annoying to switch hands. Plus the handles had different texture and slightly different sizes. It wasn’t the end of the world and I got a lot of work done, just annoying.

I’ve never bought the rogue e-coat, but just got a pair of double 24 kg powder coat. I like them.
@haydnp I can afford them… but I could also buy a match for the ones I already have here in Toronto and save a lot on shipping. This is where I get to the heart of my question: am I going to love the Rogue bells more?
@unitedwestand000000 Thanks for the reply. So if I max out at 3-4 reps with a 50# bell in my left hand and I want to mostly do easy strength style 5x week workouts with doubles… would you recommend I get 20 or 24 kgs for my next pair?
@giddyg Me personally I'd rather strive to progress my strength training with the goal of working heavier weights rather than just piling up lots of conditioning volume and density.

So if I had a 50lb/24kg that I strict press 4 reps on, I wouldn't personally go down in weight when buying a pair. I'd either grab a pair of 24kg if I wanted to work volume with that for a while, or I'd be looking at 28s.

Depends on your goals