Is Kattlebell Swing a Resistance training or a Cardio?


New member
I want to try new cardio variation.

But After I watched some videos. It make me confused. Is kattlebell swing really Cardio or not?

If it is actually a cardio then. How much weight should I use as a beginner?

I search it and find it is recommended to use 12 kilogrammes for male as a beginner.

But I still don't trust it. So I have to ask you guy here for confirmation.

To give more information about my cardio endurance so you guy can give me more precise advice:
I can run 4.5 km at zone2 without any resting and it usually take about 30-35 minutes to finish.
@sezzalovesmj You're right to be a bit distrustful. Kettlebell training can lead to aerobic capacity gains but not as effectively as just doing monostrutural work (running, rowing, skiing, swimming, etc.)

They're good for circuit training & crossfit type workouts though.
@ant0099 I disagree entirely. I can dominate runners when running and a few months ago I imported an Ironman competitor's time into my concept 2 rower and beat that. I primarily do burpees, swings, snatches, and sprints for cardio not cou ring hiking and rucking. The way you see most people train kbs is not the only way you can do it.

EDIT: and just one example of many things you can do to target aerobic capacity more than anaerobic capacity is to do sets of 25 burpees and 25 swings, or 50 each with jump rope in between. The KB is a tremendous tool to add to cardio conditioning. You just have to think about them differently
@wakemantk What does dominate runners when running mean? When I was doing mostly Crossfit I was running an 18 minute 5k and almost puked after, but dedicated teenage runners can run that for an easy warm-up. Same with my current 7:14 Ski 2k. People that live on it can trash me.

That's what I'm saying. They lead to aerobic capacity gains, but not as efficiently as other modalities. If this was the case, we'd see more capacity focused athletes using the bells.

I also did mention they're good for crossfit type workouts & circuits. I don't really think there's a disagreement here.

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